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Preparation of Nanoemulsions Containing Curcumin by High Pressure Homogenization
고압 균질기를 이용한 커큐민 함유 나노에멀젼의 제조 원문보기

산업식품공학 = Food engineering progress, v.18 no.4, 2014년, pp.341 - 347  

Jo, Yeon-Ji ,  Lee, Seul-Bee ,  Lee, Jae-Kwon ,  Kwon, Yun-Joong

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (19)

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  3. Chan, Marion Man-Ying, Huang, Hsing-I, Fenton, Marilyn Ruth, Fong, Dunne. In Vivo Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Expression by Curcumin, a Cancer Preventive Natural Product with Anti-Inflammatory Properties. Biochemical pharmacology, vol.55, no.12, 1955-1962.

  4. Chang, C.-L., Fogler, H. S.. Controlled Formation of Silica Particles from Tetraethyl Orthosilicate in Nonionic Water-in-Oil Microemulsions. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, vol.13, no.13, 3295-3307.

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  6. Jo, Yeon-Ji, Kwon, Yun-Joong. Characterization of ${\beta}$-Carotene Nanoemulsions Prepared by Microfluidization Technique. Food science and biotechnology, vol.23, no.1, 107-113.

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  16. Surassmo, S., Min, S.G., Bejrapha, P., Choi, M.J.. Effects of surfactants on the physical properties of capsicum oleoresin-loaded nanocapsules formulated through the emulsion-diffusion method. Food research international, vol.43, no.1, 8-17.

  17. Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Wang, Y.W., Huang, M.T., Ho, C.T., Huang, Q.. Enhancing anti-inflammation activity of curcumin through O/W nanoemulsions. Food chemistry, vol.108, no.2, 419-424.

  18. Yuan, Y., Gao, Y., Zhao, J., Mao, L.. Characterization and stability evaluation of β-carotene nanoemulsions prepared by high pressure homogenization under various emulsifying conditions. Food research international, vol.41, no.1, 61-68.

  19. Yin, L.J., Chu, B.S., Kobayashi, I., Nakajima, M.. Performance of selected emulsifiers and their combinations in the preparation of β-carotene nanodispersions. Food hydrocolloids, vol.23, no.6, 1617-1622.

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