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Effects of a progressive aquatic resistance exercise program on the biochemical composition and morphology of cartilage in women with mild knee osteoarthritis: protocol for a randomised controlled trial 원문보기

BMC musculoskeletal disorders, v.14, 2013년, pp.82 - 82  

Waller, Benjamin (Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyvä) ,  Munukka, Matti (skylä) ,  Multanen, Juhani (, Jyvä) ,  Rantalainen, Timo (skylä) ,  Pöyhönen, Tapani (, Finland) ,  Nieminen, Miika T (Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyvä) ,  Kiviranta, Ilkka (skylä) ,  Kautiainen, Hannu (, Jyvä) ,  Selänne, Harri (skylä) ,  Dekker, Joost (, Finland) ,  Sipilä, Sarianna (Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyvä) ,  Kujala, Urho M (skylä) ,  Häkkinen, Arja (, Jyvä) ,  Heinonen, Ari (skylä)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

BackgroundSymptoms associated with osteoarthritis of the knee result in decreased function, loss of working capacity and extensive social and medical costs. There is a need to investigate and develop effective interventions to minimise the impact of and even prevent the progression of osteoarthritis...


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