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Vibration Suppression of a Cantilever Plate Using Magnetically Multimode Tuned Mass Dampers 원문보기

Shock and vibration, v.2018, 2018년, pp.3463528 -   

Bae, Jae-Sung ,  Park, Jung-Sun ,  Hwang, Jai-Hyuk ,  Roh, Jin-Ho ,  Pyeon, Bong-do ,  Kim, Jong-Hyuk

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

For a few decades, various methods of suppressing structural vibration have been proposed. The present study proposes and exploits an effective method of suppressing the vibration of cantilever plates similar to the solar panels of a satellite. Magnetically tuned mass dampers (mTMDs) are a tuned mas...

참고문헌 (24)

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  10. Bae, Jae-Sung, Hwang, Jai-Hyuk, Roh, Jin-Ho, Kim, Jong-Hyuk, Yi, Mi-Seon, Lim, Jae Hyuk. Vibration suppression of a cantilever beam using magnetically tuned-mass-damper. Journal of sound and vibration, vol.331, no.26, 5669-5684.

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  24. Bae, Jae-Sung, Hwang, Jai-Hyuk, Kwag, Dong-Gi, Park, Jeanho, Inman, Daniel J.. Vibration Suppression of a Large Beam Structure Using Tuned Mass Damper and Eddy Current Damping. Shock and vibration, vol.2014, 1-10.

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