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Protecting Internet users from becoming victimized attackers of click‐fraud

Journal of software : evolution and process, v.30 no.3, 2018년, pp.e1871 -   

Iqbal, Md Shahrear (School of Computing Queen's University Kingston Ontario Canada) ,  Zulkernine, Mohammad (School of Computing Queen's University Kingston Ontario Canada) ,  Jaafar, Fehmi (Ubitrak Saint‐) ,  Gu, Yuan (Laurent Quebec Canada)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractInternet users are often victimized by malicious attackers. Some attackers infect and use innocent users' machines to launch large‐scale attacks without the users' knowledge. One of such attacks is the click‐fraud attack. Click‐fraud happens in pay‐per‐clic...

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