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Free amino acids extracted from dried Gugija (Lycium chinensis) under different extraction conditions
건조 구기자의 추출조건에 따른 유리아미노산의 변화 원문보기

한국식품저장유통학회지 = Korean journal of food preservation, v.25 no.2, 2018년, pp.212 - 220  

Lee, Gee-Dong

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The amounts of free amino acids extracted from dried Gugija (Lycium chinensis Mill) were monitored under different extraction conditions. The response methodology was applied using the ethanol concentration (X1 0-80%) and extraction time (X2 1-5 h) as operational parameters with regard to various f...

참고문헌 (11)

  1. Korean J Food Sci Technol Oh 22 76 1990 Composition of free sugars, free amino acids, non-volatile organic acids and tannins in the extracts of L. chinensis M., A. acutiloba K., S. chinensis B. and A. sessiliflorum S 

  2. Korean J Plant Resour No 9 211 1996 Fatty acid and amino acid compositions of Gugiseum (Lycuim chinense Miller) depending on variety and harvest time 

  3. Korean J Food Cookery Sci Lee 31 207 2015 10.9724/kfcs.2015.31.2.207 Antioxidative and anti-diabetes activity, and free amino acid and mineral contents of beverage with Gugija (Lycii fructus) extracts 

  4. J Korean Soc Food Nutr Lee 15 249 1986 Quantitative analysis of total amino acids and free sugars in Lycii fructus 

  5. Korean J Agric Sci Sung 21 22 1994 On the composition of free sugars, fatty acids, free amino acids and minerals in Lycuim fructus 

  6. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr Lee 37 744 2008 10.3746/jkfn.2008.37.6.744 Physicochemical properties of added sugar ratio on Gugija-sugar leaching by using Gugija (Lycii fructus) raw fruit 

  7. J Naturopathy Lee 3 111 2014 Analyses of amino acid concentration in the decoctions of Gagam Nanganjeon herbs 

  8. Korean J Food Preserv Lee 23 859 2017 10.11002/kjfp.2016.23.6.859 Monitoring of antioxidant activities with dried Gugija (Lycium chinensis Mill) extraction 

  9. J Oil Appl Sci Kim 34 451 2017 Monitoring of optimum antioxidant extraction condition of Gugija (Lycium chinensis Mill) extract 

  10. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr Lee 46 1494 2017 10.3746/jkfn.2017.46.12.1494 Monitoring of antioxidant activities and optimization of extraction conditions for steamed and dried Gugija (Lycium chinensis Mill) 

  11. Response Surface Methodology Myers 127 1971 

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