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Micro‐LED Technologies and Applications 원문보기

Information display, v.32 no.6, 2016년, pp.16 - 23  

Lee, Vincent W. ,  Twu, Nancy ,  Kymissis, Ioannis

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (21)

  1. 10.1109/ECTC.2015.7159711 C.Bower M.Meitl S.Bonafede andD.Gomez “Heterogeneous Integration of Microscale Compound Semiconductor Devices by Micro‐Transfer‐Printing ”IEEE Electronic Components & Technology Conference 963-967(2015). 

  2. 10.1002/sdtp.10748 M.Meitl E.Radauscher S.Bonafede D.Gomez T.Moore C.Prevatte B.Raymond B.Fisher K.Ghosal A.Fecioru A.Trindade D.Kneeburg andC.Bower “Passive Matrix Displays with Transfer‐Printed Microscale Inorganic LEDs ”SID Digest of Technical Papers 743-746(2016). 

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  4. 10.1002/sdtp.10750 W.HenryandC.Percival “ILED Displays: Next Generation Display Technology ”SID Digest of Technical Papers 747-750(2016). 

  5. Choi, H.W., Jeon, C.W., Dawson, M.D.. High-resolution 128 x 96 nitride microdisplay. IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, vol.25, no.5, 277-279.

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  8. Zhang, H. X., Massoubre, D., McKendry, J., Gong, Z., Guilhabert, B., Griffin, C., Gu, E., Jessop, P. E., Girkin, J. M., Dawson, M. D.. Individually-addressable flip-chip AlInGaN micropixelated light emitting diode arrays with high continuous and nanosecond output power. Optics express, vol.16, no.13, 9918-.

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  12. Day, Jacob, Li, J., Lie, D. Y. C., Bradford, Charles, Lin, J. Y., Jiang, H. X.. III-Nitride full-scale high-resolution microdisplays. Applied physics letters, vol.99, no.3, 031116-.

  13. 10.1109/ECTC.2016.39 F.Marion S.Bisotto F.Berger A.Gueugnot L.Mathieu D.Henry F.Templier andT.Catelain “A Room Temperature Flip‐Chip Technology for High Pixel Count Micro‐displays and Imaging Arrays ”Proceedings of the IEEE 66th Electronic Components and Technology Conference 929-935(2016). 

  14. 10.1002/sdtp.10892 F.Templier L.Dupré S.Tirano M.Marra V.Verney F.Olivier B.Aventurier D.Sarrasin F.Marion T.Catelain F.Berger L.Mathieu B.Dupont andP.Gamarra “GaN‐based Emissive Microdisplays: A Very Promising Technology for Compact Ultra‐High Brightness Display Systems ”SID Digest of Technical Papers 1013-1016(2016). 

  15. 10.1002/sdtp.10255 H.El‐Ghoroury C.Chuang andZ.Alpaslan “Quantum Photonic Imager (QPI): A Novel Display Technology that Enables more than 3D Applications ”SID Digest of Technical Papers 371-374(2015). 

  16. Zhao Jun Liu, Wing Cheung Chong, Ka Ming Wong, Ka Ho Tam, Kei May Lau. A Novel BLU-Free Full-Color LED Projector Using LED on Silicon Micro-Displays. IEEE photonics technology letters : a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society, vol.25, no.23, 2267-2270.

  17. Lee, Vincent W., Kymissis, Ioannis. A directly addressed monolithic LED array as a projection source. Journal of the Society for Information Display, vol.18, no.10, 808-812.

  18. 10.1117/12.2083436 Z.AlpaslanandH.El‐Ghoroury “Small Form Factor Full Parallax Tiled Light Field Display ”Proc. SPIE‐IS&T 9391(2015). 

  19. Guilhabert, Benoit, Massoubre, David, Richardson, Elliot, McKendry, Jonathan J. D., Valentine, Gareth, Henderson, Robert K., Watson, Ian M., Gu, E., Dawson, Martin D.. Sub-Micron Lithography Using InGaN Micro-LEDs: Mask-Free Fabrication of LED Arrays. IEEE photonics technology letters : a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society, vol.24, no.24, 2221-2224.

  20. Poher, V, Grossman, N, Kennedy, G T, Nikolic, K, Zhang, H X, Gong, Z, Drakakis, E M, Gu, E, Dawson, M D, French, P M W, Degenaar, P, Neil, M A A. Micro-LED arrays: a tool for two-dimensional neuron stimulation. Journal of physics. D, applied physics, vol.41, no.9, 094014-.

  21. McKendry, J. J. D., Massoubre, D., Zhang, S., Rae, B. R., Green, R. P., Gu, E., Henderson, R. K., Kelly, A. E., Dawson, M. D.. Visible-Light Communications Using a CMOS-Controlled Micro-Light- Emitting-Diode Array. Journal of lightwave technology : a joint IEEE/OSA publication, vol.30, no.1, 61-67.

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