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Study on Language Rehabilitation for Aphasia 원문보기

Chinese medical journal : CMJ = 中華醫學雜誌. 英文版, v.130 no.12, 2017년, pp.1491 - 1497  

Yu, Zeng-Zhi (Rehabilitation Medicine Center, Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China) ,  Jiang, Shu-Jun (Very Important Person Neurology Ward, Navy General Hospital, Beijing 100048, China) ,  Jia, Zi-Shan (Rehabilitation Medicine Center, Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China) ,  Xiao, Hong-Yu (Rehabilitation Medicine Center, Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China) ,  Zhou, Mei-Qi (Rehabilitation Medicine Center, Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective:The aim is to update our clinical recommendations for evidence-based language rehabilitation of people with aphasia, based on a systematic review of the literature from 1999 to 2015.Data Sources:Articles referred to in this systematic review of the Medline and PubMed published in English l...


참고문헌 (40)

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