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Language and cognitive outcomes after childhood stroke: Theoretical implications for hemispheric specialization 원문보기

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, v.120, 2019년, pp.509 - 523  

de Montferrand, Camille (Rehabilitation Department for Children with Acquired Neurological Injury, and Outreach Team for Children and Adolescents with Acquired Brain Injury, Saint Maurice Hospitals) ,  Vassel-Hitier, Jeanne (Rehabilitation Department for Children with Acquired Neurological Injury, and Outreach Team for Children and Adolescents with Acquired Brain Injury, Saint Maurice Hospitals) ,  Yvon-Chaou, Estelle (Rehabilitation Department for Children with Acquired Neurological Injury, and Outreach Team for Children and Adolescents with Acquired Brain Injury, Saint Maurice Hospitals) ,  Câmara-Costa, Hugo (Université) ,  Dellatolas, Georges (Paris-Saclay, Université) ,  Chevignard, Mathilde (Paris-SUD, UVSQ, CESP, INSERM)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate language and cognitive outcomes following severe childhood stroke, and the role of age at stroke according to lesion lateralization. We retrospectively included children consecutively admitted to a physical medicine and rehabilitation department...


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