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Probing the effect of quercetin 3-glucoside from Dianthus superbus L against influenza virus infection- In vitro and in silico biochemical and toxicological screening

Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association, v.135, 2020년, pp.110985 -   

Nile, Shivraj Hariram (Laboratory of Medicinal Plant Biotechnology, College of Pharmacy, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University) ,  Kim, Doo Hwan (Department of Bio-resources and Food Science, Konkuk University) ,  Nile, Arti (Department of Bio-resources and Food Science, Konkuk University) ,  Park, Gyun Seok (Department of Bio-resources and Food Science, Konkuk University) ,  Gansukh, Enkhtaivan (Department of Bio-resources and Food Science, Konkuk University) ,  Kai, Guoyin (Laboratory of Medicinal Plant Biotechnology, College of Pharmacy, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Investigation of antiviral and cytotoxic effect of quercetin 3-glucoside (Q3G) from Dianthus superbus L over influenza virus infection and replication were studied. Moreover, anti-influenza mechanism was screened by time-dependent antiviral assay, virus-induced symptoms and related gene ex...


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