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High Resolution pH Measurements Using a Lab-on-Chip Sensor in Surface Waters of Northwest European Shelf Seas 원문보기

Sensors, v.18 no.8, 2018년, pp.2622 -   

Rérolle, Victoire M. C. (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, University of Southampton, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK) ,  Achterberg, Eric P. (v.rerolle@fluidion.com (V.M.C.R.)) ,  Ribas-Ribas, Mariana (mariana.ribas.ribas@uni-oldenburg.de (M.R.-R.)) ,  Kitidis, Vassilis ,  Brown, Ian (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, University of Southampton, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK) ,  Bakker, Dorothee C. E. (v.rerolle@fluidion.com (V.M.C.R.)) ,  Lee, Gareth A. (mariana.ribas.ribas@uni-oldenburg.de (M.R.-R.)) ,  Mowlem, Matthew C.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are resulting in a reduction in seawater pH, with potential detrimental consequences for marine organisms. Improved efforts are required to monitor the anthropogenically driven pH decrease in the context of natural pH variations. We present here a high resol...


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