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Air defrost display case 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25D-021/06
출원번호 US-0547817 (1975-02-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Beckwith Sterling (Menlo Park CA) Vogel Robert E. (Marshall MI) Goyman William (Marshall MI)
출원인 / 주소
  • Kysor Industrial Corporation (Cadillac MI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 38  인용 특허 : 0


A multiple curtain, refrigerated display case employing an energy saving air defrost system that, during the first defrost stage, draws defrosting ambient air into the refrigerated air curtain passage from both directions, and during the second defrost stage employs part of the defrost air to form a


In an upright refrigerated display cabinet having a top, a bottom, a rear, a front side, and an access opening in said front side communicating a storage and display space within the cabinet with the ambient atmosphere, at least two outlets, an inner one and an adjacent one, extending across one edg

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (38)

  1. Swofford, Timothy Dean, Air curtain system for a refrigerated case.
  2. Popham Edward V. (1334 Lake Asher Cir. Apopka FL 32703), Air defrost housing.
  3. Johnston ; William C., Air defrost reach-in refrigerated display cabinet.
  4. Subera Elmer J. (Cassopolis MI) Steelman Melvin W. (Niles MI), Air defrost system using secondary air band components.
  5. Subera Elmer J. (Cassopolis MI) Steelman Melvin W. (Niles MI), Air defrost system using secondary air band components.
  6. Subera Elmer J. (Cassopolis MI) Steelman Melvin W. (Niles MI) Abraham Fayez (Niles MI), Air defrost system using secondary air band components.
  7. Barreto, Angel A.; Choueifati, Jules G.; Howington, Larry C., Air distribution system for temperature-controlled case.
  8. Swofford, Timothy Dean; Howington, Larry C.; Choueifati, Jules G., Air distribution system for temperature-controlled case.
  9. Alahyari, Abbas A.; Saroka, Mary D.; Winch, Gary D., Curtain air admission assembly.
  10. Swofford,Timothy Dean; Howington,Larry C.; Stephens,Arnold M.; Tanner,Robert D., Defrost system for a refrigeration device.
  11. Aokage Yoshitaka (Kawasaki JA) Yamana Yoshio (Kawasaki JA), Defrosting in open show case of cold-air-circulation type.
  12. Vana John H. (Allentown NJ), Defrosting problem areas of refrigerated display cases.
  13. Kahler, Shawn M., Display device.
  14. Vogel Robert E. (Marshall MI), Diversion defrost display cabinet.
  15. Ibrahim Fayez F. (Niles MI), Energy conserving refrigerated merchandiser display case.
  16. Ibrahim Fayez F. (Niles MI), Energy efficient refrigerated merchandiser display case.
  17. Hino Kazuhiko (Kawasaki JPX) Mizutani Masami (Kawasaki JPX), Flat wall type refrigerated and chilled open display case.
  18. Ibrahim Fayez F. (Niles MI) Subera Elmer J. (Cassopolis MI) Myers James E. (Niles MI), Flexible door operating mechanism for refrigerated merchandizer display cabinet.
  19. Abraham Fayez F. (Niles MI), Glass door merchandiser.
  20. Abraham Fayez F. (Niles MI), Glass door merchandiser.
  21. Abraham Fayez F. (Niles MI), Glass door merchandiser with ambient air defrost.
  22. Boarman, Patrick J., Low energy evaporator defrost.
  23. Boarman, Patrick J., Low energy evaporator defrost.
  24. Rydahl Gosta R. (Vintrie SEX), Method and apparatus for defrosting cooling elements in an open type freezer chest.
  25. Alahyari,Abbas A.; Saroka,Mary D., Multi-band air curtain separation barrier.
  26. Wallace George E. (Levittown PA), Multiple damper assembly for reach-in cases of the air defrost type.
  27. Ibrahim Fayez F. (Niles MI), Open top refrigerated display case having ambient air defrost.
  28. Steelman Melvin W. (Leesburg FL), Refrigerated case with movable fan panel.
  29. Abraham Fayez (Niles MI), Refrigerated display case using air defrost with supplemental heater.
  30. Ljung Hans G. (Bjrred SEX), Refrigerated display chest.
  31. Saroka, Mary D.; Alahyari, Abbas A., Refrigerated display merchandiser.
  32. Ibrahim Fayez F. (Niles MI), Refrigerated merchandiser cabinet with air defrost ports.
  33. Abraham Fayez F. (Niles MI), Refrigerated merchandiser display case.
  34. Abraham Fayez F. (Niles MI), Refrigerated merchandizer display case adapted for energy conservation.
  35. Lewis ; Roswell E., Refrigeration defrosting.
  36. Lane, Mark; Davidson, Michael B., Service case.
  37. Lane, Mark; Davidson, Michael B.; Arshansky, Yakov; Hinde, David K.; Walker, Richard N., Service case.
  38. Abraham Fayez F. (Niles MI), Shop around refrigerated merchandiser.
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