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Pulsed xenon arc lamp operating circuit 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05B-041/34
  • H05B-041/29
출원번호 US-0570689 (1975-04-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Herrick Phillip R. (Fort Wayne IN)
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company (Indianapolis IN 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 0


A circuit for the repetitively pulsed operation of a xenon arc discharge lamp. A first SCR is responsive to a first control circuit when fired to allow the charging of a capacitor through a first inductor from a DC energy source. A second SCR is responsive to a second control circuit, and when fired


A circuit for repetitive pulsed operation of an arc discharge lamp, comprising: first and second input terminals for connection to a DC electrical energy source; first and second input terminals for connection to the lamp; first and second semiconductor switches connected serially between the second

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19)

  1. Slutzky Azriel (San Jose CA), Automobile timing light.
  2. Crooks James M. (P.O Box 131 Verona WI 53593), Capacitor discharge strobe light.
  3. Yuasa Yoshio (Osaka JPX) Naruse Kazuhiko (Nabari JPX) Inaba Masahito (Ikeda JPX), Electronic flash device.
  4. Yuasa Yoshio (Osaka JPX) Naruse Kazuhiko (Nabari JPX) Inaba Masahito (Ikeda JPX), Electronic flash device.
  5. Caprari Fausto (East Brunswick NJ), Flash lamp drive circuit.
  6. Kataoka Hiroyuki (Tokyo JPX) Kumakura Tosiyuki (Yokohama JPX), Flash photographic apparatus.
  7. Wallot George P. (Fort Wayne IN), Fluorescent lamp power supply with low voltage lamp polarity reversal.
  8. Rim, Guen Hie; Cho, Chu Hyun; Baek, Ju Won; Pavlov, Evgueni P., High voltage pulse generator using a non-linear capacitor.
  9. Schuda Felix (Cupertino CA) Roberts Roy D. (Newark CA), Integral reflector flashlamp.
  10. Tsuji Kenji (Kashiwara JPX) Ichikawa Tsutomu (Kashiwara JPX), Juxtaposed discharge tubes with opposed trigger electrodes.
  11. Grossman Douglas M. ; Roll Kenneth A. ; Fedor Gregory, Materials test chamber with xenon lamp radiation.
  12. Brass Jack,CAX ; Lemons Thomas M., Method and apparatus for leak detection and non-destructive testing.
  13. Bachelor ; Robert, Morse code signalling device.
  14. Neal ; Wayne R., Pulse circuit for gaseous discharge lamps.
  15. Soileau ; Trasimond A., Pulse circuit for gaseous discharge lamps.
  16. Rudd, Eric P.; Haugan, Carl E., Rapid-firing flashlamp discharge circuit.
  17. Williams Theodore M. (1360 Kenecki Pl. Hilo HI 96720), Steady light Xenon unit.
  18. Kahn, Richard Oliver, Strobe flash photographic illumination.
  19. Sikora Scott T. (Mesa AZ), Strobe trigger pulse generator.
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