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[미국특허] Electric flushing toilet bowl 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E03D-005/012
출원번호 US-0496520 (1974-08-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hendricks Victor P. (c/o G. F. Gibbs
  • 1850 Bel-Aire Road Los Angeles CA 90024)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 0


A self-contained electric flushing toilet bowl in which water for flushing the bowl is automatically controlled by unique control mechanism to perform a series of cyclic operations in which the supply water to the bowl and outlet flow from the bowl will be so coordinated as to impound a volume of wa


In an electric flushing toilet bowl having a top rim opening and a bottom outlet connection with a drain line trap, the improvement comprising: a. means for admitting a flushing fluid to the bowl adjacent the top rim opening, said means having a connection with a fluid source; b. normally closed fir

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cho, Sang-Ik, Apparatus for automatically operating a drain valve in a washstand.
  2. Liu Yu-Hsing (No.7-3 ; Alley 15 ; Lane 667 ; Chung Shan Road ; Sec. 2 ; Chung Ho Taipei Hsien CT) Chiu Fon-Wen (11TH Floor ; No. 220 ; Sung Chiang Road Taipei CT), Automatic lid-lifting and flushing device for water closet.
  3. Dowds Henry M. (Woodside NY), Baker\s dough proofing and raising unit.
  4. Norlin Lars-Olof (Box 220 S-611 01 Nykping SEX), Boat and caravan closet.
  5. Sanderson,Dilworth D., Digital electronic volume/flow control sensor toilet.
  6. Barrett ; Sr. John P. (Clearwater FL) Schulz Daniel R. (Crystal Beach FL) Kent David E. (Palm Harbor FL) deFasselle Robert J. (Kirtland OH) Zega Henry E. (Clearwater FL), Dispensing system.
  7. Chen Tyen C. (Bellevue WA) Busching Forrest B. (Tacoma WA) Hale William D. (Everett WA) Kristoffersen Bjorn R. (Kirkland WA), Nonrecirculating vacuum flush toilet system utilizing fresh water.
  8. Smith, Andrew L.; Ahola, Billy Jack; Baumgartner, Mark; Duwell, Larry; Bogenschuetz, Don; Swart, Peter; Vetting, Tobin, Pre-primed siphonic toilet.
  9. Vincent Ray T. (Los Angeles CA), Swivel nozzle flush toilet system.
  10. Abadi, Nir, Toilet flushing without using a toilet tank.

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