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[미국특허] Fuel cell-secondary cell combination 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-016/00
출원번호 US-0646214 (1976-01-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Baker Bernard S. (Brookfield Center CT) Camp Ralph N. (Waltham MA)
출원인 / 주소
  • The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Army (Washington DC 06)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 62  인용 특허 : 0


A hybrid fuel cell secondary battery system suitable for low power sensor applications is provided. The system comprises in combination, a fuel cell, a fully contained fuel and oxidant source for the fuel cell, a DC to DC power processor for boosting the voltage output from the fuel cell, and a nick


A hybrid fuel cell secondary battery system comprising in combination, a fuel cell, a fully contained fuel and oxidant source for said fuel cell, a DC to DC power processor for boosting the voltage output from said fuel cell, and a secondary battery in parallel with the output from the DC to DC proc

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (62) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lee Jai Y. (Taejeon KRX) Lee Han H. (Seoul KRX) Lee Jon H. (Taejeon KRX) Kim Dong M. (Taejeon KRX), Alkaline fuel cell.
  2. Pearson, Martin T., Apparatus and method for hybrid power module systems.
  3. Shurtleff, James Kevin; Patton, John Madison; Ladd, Eric J., Apparatus and system for promoting a substantially complete reaction of an anhydrous hydride reactant.
  4. Pearson, Martin T., Apparatus for improving the performance of a fuel cell electric power system.
  5. Patton, John Madison; Anderson, Howard, Apparatus, system, and method for generating a gas from solid reactant pouches.
  6. Shurtleff,James Kevin, Apparatus, system, and method for generating hydrogen.
  7. Patton, John M.; Shurtleff, J. Kevin; Ladd, Eric J., Apparatus, system, and method for promoting a substantially complete reaction of an anhydrous hydride reactant.
  8. Pearson, Ken; Brydon, Chris; You, Eugene; Wang, Guangde, Apparatus, system, and method to manage the generation and use of hybrid electric power.
  9. Scharf, Mesa, Consumption-based fuel cell monitoring and control.
  10. Pearson,Martin T., Electric power plant with adjustable array of fuel cell systems.
  11. Steven Amendola, Electroconversion cell.
  12. Horiguchi, Munehisa; Kato, Kenji, Fuel cell apparatus.
  13. Hauer Karl-Heinz,DEX, Fuel cell arrangement having a methanol reformer with an energy storage unit and method for controlling the energy flow of the fuel cell arrangement.
  14. Takabayashi Yasuhiro (Kanagawa JPX), Fuel cell power supply.
  15. Fuglevand, William A., Fuel cell power system and method of controlling a fuel cell power system.
  16. Fuglevand,William A., Fuel cell power system and method of controlling a fuel cell power system.
  17. Horiguchi Munehisa,JPX ; Ueno Masataka,JPX ; Takada Noriyuki,JPX, Fuel cell system.
  18. Horiguchi,Munehisa; Takada,Noriyuki, Fuel cell system.
  19. Ueno Masataka,JPX ; Kato Kenji,JPX ; Horiguchi Munehisa,JPX ; Takada Noriyuki,JPX, Fuel cell system.
  20. Ueno, Masataka; Kato, Kenji; Horiguchi, Munehisa; Takada, Noriyuki, Fuel cell system.
  21. David J. Edlund ; Thomas G. Herron ; Craig F. Holmes, Fuel cell system controller.
  22. Edlund, David J.; Herron, Thomas G.; Holmes, Craig F., Fuel cell system controller.
  23. Edlund, David J.; Herron, Thomas G.; Holmes, Craig F., Fuel cell system controller.
  24. Edlund, David J.; Herron, Thomas G.; Holmes, Craig F., Fuel cell system controller.
  25. Pearson, Martin T., Fuel cell system multiple stage voltage control method and apparatus.
  26. Dickman, Anthony J.; Edlund, David J., Fuel cell system with load management.
  27. Dickman,Anthony J.; Edlund,David J., Fuel cell system with load management.
  28. Early Jack (Perth Amboy NJ) Werth John (Princeton NJ), Fuel cell/battery control system.
  29. Fekete ; deceased Imre (Late of Piscataway NJ by Anna M. Fekete ; Administratrix), Fuel cell/battery hybrid system.
  30. Werth John (Princeton NJ) Fekete ; deceased Imre (late of Piscataway NJ by Anna M. Fekete ; administratrix), Fuel cell/battery hybrid system having battery charge-level control.
  31. Takabayashi Yasuhiro (Kawasaki JPX), Generator system utilizing a fuel cell.
  32. Curello, Andrew J.; Fairbanks, Floyd; Stepan, Constance R.; Sgroi, Jr., Anthony; Curello, Michael, Hydrogen generating fuel cell cartridges.
  33. Rosenzweig, Alain; Laurent, Jean-yves; Gaillard, Frédéric; Giacometti, Nathalie; Adams, Paul, Hydrogen generating fuel cell cartridges.
  34. Rosenzweig,Alain; Adams,Paul; Curello,Andrew J.; Fairbanks,Floyd; Sgroi, Jr.,Anthony; Stephan,Constance R., Hydrogen generating fuel cell cartridges.
  35. Bae,In Tae; Drake,Javit A.; Gilicinski,Andrew G.; Stone,Matthew R.; Sunstrom,Joseph E., Hydrogen generator.
  36. Shurtleff,James Kevin; Ladd,Eric J.; Brydon,Chris A.; Patton,John M.; Anderson,Howard, Hydrogen generator cartridge.
  37. Redmond, Scott D., Hydrogen storage, distribution, and recovery system.
  38. LaVen, Arne, Hydrogen-producing fuel cell systems with load-responsive feedstock delivery systems.
  39. Luo, Nie; Miley, George H., Hydrogen/hydrogen peroxide fuel cell.
  40. Luo,Nie; Miley,George, Hydrogen/hydrogen peroxide fuel cell.
  41. Pearson, Martin T., Method and apparatus for controlling voltage from a fuel cell system.
  42. Pearson,Martin T., Method and apparatus for fuel cell systems.
  43. Pearson,Martin T., Method and apparatus for multiple mode control of voltage from a fuel cell system.
  44. Uzhinsky, Ighor K.; Lund, Gary K.; Leylegian, John C.; Girlea, Florin; Tyll, Jason S.; Piper, Lawrence G.; Byl, Marten; Chinitz, Wallace, Methods and systems of producing hydrogen and oxygen for power generation, and power source.
  45. , Methods for hydrogen storage using doped alanate compositions.
  46. Edlund, David J.; Herron, Thomas G.; Holmes, Craig F., Methods for operating a fuel cell system under reduced load conditions.
  47. Uchida Makoto,JPX ; Fukuoka Yuko,JPX ; Sugawara Yasushi,JPX ; Eda Nobuo,JPX, Miniaturized fuel cell assembly.
  48. Graham, David Ross; Meski, George Amir; Xu, Jianguo; Horninger, Robert Francis, Modular portable battery charging system using hydrogen fuel cells.
  49. Pearson, Martin T., Power supply and ultracapacitor based battery simulator.
  50. Vasquez, Arturo, Self-regulating control of parasitic loads in a fuel cell power system.
  51. LaVen, Arne; Scharf, Mesa, Shared variable-based fuel cell system control.
  52. Edlund, David J.; Herron, Thomas G.; Pledger, William A., System and method for controlling the operation of a fuel processing system.
  53. Edlund, David J.; Herron, Thomas G.; Pledger, William A., System and method for controlling the operation of a fuel processing system.
  54. Edlund,David J.; Herron,Thomas G.; Pledger,William A., System and method for controlling the operation of a fuel processing system.
  55. Shurtleff, Kevin; Ladd, Eric; Patton, John; Brydon, Chris; Pearson, Ken, System for generating electricity from a chemical hydride.
  56. Shurtleff, Kevin; Ladd, Eric; Patton, John; Brydon, Chris; Pearson, Ken, System for generating hydrogen from a chemical hydride.
  57. Edmiston, Thane Rea; Greenough, Benjamin Charles, Systems and methods for independently controlling the operation of fuel cell stacks and fuel cell systems incorporating the same.
  58. Gelsey,Jon, Thermally efficient hydrogen storage system.
  59. Lai,Jih Sheng, Topologies for multiple energy sources.
  60. Lai,Jih Sheng, Topologies for using multiple energy sources for power conversions.
  61. Edlund, David J.; LaVen, Arne; Scharf, Mesa, Utilization-based fuel cell monitoring and control.
  62. Edlund, David J.; LaVen, Arne; Scharf, Mesa, Utilization-based fuel cell monitoring and control.

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