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Variable mixer propulsion cycle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02K-003/06
  • F02C-003/04
출원번호 US-0583055 (1975-06-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rundell
  • Dan Joseph
  • McHugh
  • Donald Patrick
  • Foster
  • Tom
  • Brown
  • Ralph Harold
출원인 / 주소
  • The United States of America as represented by the United States, National, Aeronautics and Space Administration
대리인 / 주소
    Johnson, Jr., James W.Musial, Norman T.Manning, John R.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 37  인용 특허 : 0


A design technique, method and apparatus for controlling the bypass gas stream pressure and varying the bypass ratio of a mixed flow gas turbine engine in order to achieve improved performance. The disclosed preferred embodiments each include a unique mixing device for combining the core and bypass


대표청구항이 없습니다.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (37)

  1. Kupratis, Daniel Bernard, Adaptive fan with cold turbine.
  2. Lovett,Jeffery A., Augmentor.
  3. Wright Jack D. (Mason OH) Snow Barton H. (Wyoming OH), Blocker door actuation system.
  4. Leyko, Matthieu; Bertucchi, Jean; Gaillot, Mathieu, Convergent-divergent nozzle for a turbine engine.
  5. Powell, Brandon Flowers; Decker, John Jared, Double bypass turbofan.
  6. Johnson, James E.; Steinmetz, Ronald B., Duct burning mixed flow turbofan and method of operation.
  7. Johnson,James Edward, Fladed supersonic missile turbojet.
  8. Roberge, Gary D., Flow path routing within a gas turbine engine.
  9. Ress, Robert A., Gas turbine engine with axial flow fan with twin stream impeller and variable area bypass nozzle.
  10. Erickson, Kaare; Yount, Randall E., Gas turbine engine with bypass mixer.
  11. Kupratis, Daniel B., Gas turbine engine with intercooling turbine section.
  12. Wehmeier, Eric J., Gas turbine engine with variable area fan nozzle positioned for starting.
  13. Ruthemeyer, Michael Anthony, Integrated variable geometry flow restrictor and heat exchanger.
  14. Snow Barton H. (Wyoming OH), Method and apparatus for increasing compressor inlet pressure.
  15. Urbassik, Ryan Michael; Estridge, Scott Anthony; Ruiz, Rafael; Proctor, Robert; Albers, Robert J.; Hansell, Kevin Stephen, Method and apparatus for operating gas turbine engines.
  16. Dawson, David Lynn; Lariviere, Erin Lee; Petersen, Brian Joseph; Ellerhorst, Robert Jerome, Multi-nozzle flow diverter for jet engine.
  17. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Kraemer, Gilbert Otto; Kulkarni, Parag Prakash; Zhang, Hua, Power generation system exhaust cooling.
  18. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Kulkarni, Parag Prakash; Reed, Robert Joseph, Power generation system exhaust cooling.
  19. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Kulkarni, Parag Prakash; Reed, Robert Joseph, Power generation system exhaust cooling.
  20. Kulkarni, Parag Prakash; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Reed, Robert Joseph, Power generation system exhaust cooling.
  21. Kulkarni, Parag Prakash; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Reed, Robert Joseph, Power generation system exhaust cooling.
  22. Kulkarni, Parag Prakash; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Reed, Robert Joseph, Power generation system exhaust cooling.
  23. Kulkarni, Parag Prakash; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Reed, Robert Joseph, Power generation system exhaust cooling.
  24. Kulkarni, Parag Prakash; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Reed, Robert Joseph; Smith, Raub Warfield, Power generation system exhaust cooling.
  25. Reed, Robert Joseph; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Kulkarni, Parag Prakash, Power generation system exhaust cooling.
  26. Reed, Robert Joseph; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Kulkarni, Parag Prakash, Power generation system exhaust cooling.
  27. Christians, Joseph T., Pre-turbine engine case variable area mixing plane.
  28. Dunbar, Jr.,Donal S., Retractable afterburner for jet engine.
  29. Johnson,James Edward, Self powdered missile turbojet.
  30. Stephens Frederick D. (Lake Park FL), Stall elimination and restart enhancement device.
  31. Johnson,James Edward, Supersonic missile turbojet engine.
  32. Martis, Dan; Rowe, Arthur, System and method for controlling the working line position in a gas turbine engine compressor.
  33. Johnson,James Edward, Thrust vectoring missile turbojet.
  34. Lipinski, Thomas; LaChapelle, Donald George; Moore, Kenneth Jay; Tracey, Bradford; Waymeyer, Stephen Joseph, Turbine frame cooling systems and methods of assembly for use in a gas turbine engine.
  35. Giffin ; III Rollin G. ; Johnson James E. ; Crall David W. ; Salvage John W. ; Szucs Peter N., Turbofan engine with a core driven supercharged bypass duct.
  36. Wood, Peter John; Zenon, Ruby Lasandra; LaChapelle, Donald George; Mielke, Mark Joseph; Grant, Carl, Turbofan gas turbine engine with variable fan outlet guide vanes.
  37. Moon, Francis R.; Kupratis, Daniel B., Variable exhaust mixer and cooler for a three-stream gas turbine engine.
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