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[미국특허] Starting an aircraft engine and driving auxiliary, on-board equipment 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02C-007/26
출원번호 US-0680687 (1976-04-27)
우선권정보 DT-2519152 (1975-04-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Schutze
  • Horst
출원인 / 주소
  • Vereinigte Flugtechnische Werke-Fokker GmbH
대리인 / 주소
    Siegemund, Ralf H.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 1


A gear box is provided with three inputs mutually decoupling each other so that neither can drive the other two via the gear box but either can drive secondary power sources such as a pump and a generator. The three inputs are respectively connected to an aircraft engine shaft, a starter-air turbine


대표청구항이 없습니다.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Friedrich Helmut (Bremen DT), Apparatus for starting aircraft engines and for operating auxiliary on-board power generating equipment.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bristol,Brent L.; Gaines,Louie T.; Facinelli,William A.; Mathis,David M., Air turbine starter having a force balanced, pressure energized, weighted check valve.
  2. Bristol,Brent L.; Gaines,Louie T.; Christensen,Donald J., Air turbine starter having a low differential check valve.
  3. Lane, Glenn H.; Farnsworth, Gary A.; Schroeder, Gerhard; Geck, Kellan, Air turbine starter with fluid flow control.
  4. Moulebhar, Djamal, Aircraft with disengageable engine and auxiliary power unit components.
  5. Cortelli, Todd D.; Greco, Matthew R.; Boyce, Paul D., Antirotated piston rack.
  6. Thompson,Robert G.; Hagshenas,Bezhad, Auxiliary power unit with an oil-free compressor.
  7. Libera, Tony; Zeiner, Peter, Bi-modal turbine assembly and starter / drive turbine system employing the same.
  8. Dyer, Gerald P., Combined air turbine starter, air-oil cooler, and fan.
  9. Duke, Brant; Jarvo, Jim R.; Lachance, Benoit; Shafique, Harris, Control of gas turbine engine.
  10. Duke, Brant; Jarvo, Jim R.; Lachance, Benoit; Shafique, Harris, Control of gas turbine engine.
  11. Duke, Brant; Jarvo, Jim R.; Lachance, Benoit; Shafique, Harris, Control of gas turbine engine.
  12. Shafique, Harris; Jarvo, Jim; Duke, Brant; Lachance, Benoit, Control of gas turbine engine.
  13. Abousleiman, Vincent; Fritz, Romaric, Gas turbine accessory gearbox incorporating decoupling means.
  14. Moore, Gareth E; Trainer, David R; Scothern, David P; Knott, David S; Simms, Paul, Gas turbine engine arrangement.
  15. Heaton, Peter Ellison; Bolgar, Crispin David, Gas turbine engine bearing chamber seals.
  16. Mahoney,Timothy D.; Laidlaw,Mitchell J.; Libera,Anthony C., Gas turbine engine bleed air power assist system and method.
  17. Rodgers Colin (San Diego CA), Gas turbine starter system with power augmentation.
  18. Klingels, Hermann, Gas turbine, in particular aircraft engine and method for generating electrical energy in a gas turbine.
  19. Laude, Juergen, Hydraulic drive, hydraulic supply device, airplane with a hydraulic supply device and method for configuring a hydraulic supply device.
  20. Benham, Jr., Durward S.; Koerner, Michael S., Jet fuel and air system for starting auxiliary power unit.
  21. Filho, Aldemiro Lorenzini, On-board aircraft auxiliary power systems having dual auxiliary power units.
  22. Farnsworth,Gary A.; Ball,Larry K.; Geck,Kellan P.; Langston,Todd A., Passive improved air turbine starter lubrication system.
  23. Copeland, Andrew D., Turbine engine.

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