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[미국특허] Precision automatic local time decoding apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G04C-013/02
출원번호 US-0750431 (1976-12-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bryant
  • Jr.
  • Ellis H.
대리인 / 주소
    Watson, Cole, Grindle & Watson
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 35  인용 특허 : 1


The time detecting apparatus receives repetitive binary coded sets of data including time data in a predetermined format. The components of a single set of the received data representative of time are detected and stored. After a preselected time interval the detecting means are again actuated to de


대표청구항이 없습니다.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Cateora Joseph V. (Boulder CO) Davis Dicky D. (Boulder CO) Hanson D. Wayne (Boulder CO), Satellite controlled digital clock system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (35)

  1. Eliezer, Oren E., Adaptive radio controlled clock employing different modes of operation for different applications and scenarios.
  2. Katzmann Klaus,DEX ; Wahl Peter,DEX, Analog radio clock with time zone conversion.
  3. Allan David W. (Boulder CO) Levine Judah (Boulder CO) Davis Dicky D. (Boulder CO) Weiss Marc A. (Boulder CO), Device and method for providing accurate time and/or frequency.
  4. Skupen William L. (Anaheim CA) Ross Erno H. (Fullerton CA), Electronic signal synchronization apparatus for radar and the like.
  5. Wu, Guiling; Hu, Liang; Shen, Jianguo; Zou, Weiwen; Chen, Jianping, Encoding and decoding methods for high-precision time transfer and encoding and decoding devices therefor.
  6. Appelberg Gustaf T. (Fairfield CT), Information distribution system.
  7. Eliezer, Oren E., Leap second and daylight saving time correction for use in a radio controlled clock receiver.
  8. Eliezer, Oren E., Leap second and daylight saving time correction for use in a radio controlled clock receiver.
  9. Eliezer, Oren E.; Awasthi, Aditya, Low power radio controlled clock incorporating independent timing corrections.
  10. Benson Bengt H. (Spanga SEX) Edstrm Per A. (Solna SEX), Method and a system for synchronizing clocks in a bus type local network.
  11. Watson ; Jr. Charles W. (North Wales PA) Siegl Christopher M. (Beltsville MD), Method for transposing time measurements from one time frame to another.
  12. Schulz Werner (Valentinianstr. 6 6802 Ladenburg ; DE DEX), Method of automatic adjustment of self-contained radio-clock by means of time mark.
  13. Winkler, Gregor, Mobile terminal for a wireless telecommunication system with accurate real time generation.
  14. Eliezer, Oren E.; Robbins, Dennis I.; Jung, Thomas, Multi-antenna receiver in a radio controlled clock.
  15. Yiu, Chih Hao, Position detecting and correcting device for timepiece.
  16. Yiu, Chih Hao, Position detecting and correcting device for timepiece.
  17. Conklin Charles C. (10371 N. Blaney Ave. Cupertino CA 95014) Faber Michael W. (833 Abbie St. Pleasanton CA 94566) Schachter David (801 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto CA 94301) Spira Philip M. (2025 Tasso , Radio signal controlled digital clock.
  18. Jacobs Donald H. (3100 Beach Dr. Victoria ; B. C. CAX V8R 6L6), Radio synchronized clock.
  19. Kanesaka Toshiya (Chiba JPX), Radio wave-corrected timepiece.
  20. Ross Charles W. (Lansdale PA), Remote correlation of sequence of events.
  21. Ouimet George R. (Bothell WA) Cherry Raymond L. (Kent WA), Spacecraft telemetry regenerator.
  22. Wilkinson, Robert G., Synchronizing of clocks.
  23. Eliezer, Oren E., System and method for phase modulation over a pulse width modulated/amplitude modulated signal for use in a radio controlled clock receiver.
  24. Yost Robert W., System for providing paging receivers with accurate time of day information.
  25. Plangger David (Stevensville MI) Wilson Wayne K. (St. Joseph MI), Time corrected, continuously updated clock.
  26. Abe, Hideo, Time correcting apparatus and radio controlled timepiece.
  27. Walters Richard J. (396 Victoria Rd. Gladesville ; New South Wales 2111 AUX), Time display system.
  28. Vangen Robert F. (Plymouth MN), Time synchronization master station and remote station system.
  29. Eliezer, Oren E., Timing and time information extraction from a phase modulated signal in a radio controlled clock receiver.
  30. Eliezer, Oren E., Timing and time information extraction in a radio controlled clock receiver.
  31. Pikula, Michael A.; Gollnick, Robin W.; O'Neill, Terrence J., Wireless synchronous time system.
  32. Pikula,Michael A.; Gollnick,Robin W.; O'Neill,Terrence J., Wireless synchronous time system.
  33. Pikula,Michael A.; Gollnick,Robin W.; O'Neill,Terrence J., Wireless synchronous time system.
  34. Pikula,Michael A.; Gollnick,Robin W.; O'Neill,Terrence J., Wireless synchronous time system.
  35. Pikula,Michael A.; Gollnick,Robin W.; O'Neill,Terrence J., Wireless synchronous time system.
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