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[미국특허] Magnetic water conditioner 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01C-035/06
출원번호 US-0817022 (1977-07-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Brown Merritt J. (813 Hastings Dr. Kissimmee FL 32741)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 26  인용 특허 : 1


A magnetic water conditioner has a hollow casing with an array of disc type cylindrical magnets arranged coaxially in the casing to provide an annular magnetic treatment zone in the space between the casing and the array. The magnets are polarized along diameters and have pole faces at their lateral


A water conditioner for magnetically treating calcarious waters comprising an elongated hollow casing having an inner wall and a longitudinal axis, an elongated array of magnets having opposite ends and being coaxially arranged within the casing and spaced apart from said inner wall to provide an an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Sanderson Charles H. (3717 Fritcha Ave. Fort Wayne IN 46806), Water conditioning apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (26)

  1. Kulish Peter A. (175 West 6th St. Red Hill PA 18076), Apparatus for magnetic treatment of liquids.
  2. Kulish Peter A. (Box 1000 Gardenville PA 18926), Apparatus for magnetic treatment of liquids.
  3. Mitchell ; deceased John (33 Pondview Rd. late of Rye NY) Ament ; executor by Charles E. (33 Pondview Rd. Rye NY 10580), Apparatus for magnetically treating fluids.
  4. Sanderson Charles H. (Fort Wayne IN) Sanderson Charles W. (Fort Wayne IN), Bypass water conditioner.
  5. Shofer, Howard L.; Tinsler, Douglas J., Device for altering molecular bonds in fluids.
  6. Sanderson Charles H. (3717 Fritcha Ave. Fort Wayne IN 46806), Device for the magnetic treatment of water and liquid and gaseous fuels.
  7. O\Meara ; Jr. James R. (2023 S. Gessner ; Ste. N-2 Houston TX 77063), Device for treating fluids with magnetic lines of force.
  8. Naito,Harusuke, Fluid purifier having magnetic field generation.
  9. Petrovic Ljubisa M. (15918 Mission Village Dr. Houston TX 77083), Fluid treatment apparatus and method.
  10. Kronenberg Klaus J. (Claremont CA), Fluid treatment device.
  11. Sanderson Scott A. (Fort Wayne IN) Bruot Eric F. (Fort Wayne IN), Fully shielded multiple core water conditioner.
  12. Elshafei, Moustafa, Hydromagnetic desalination cell with rare earth magnets.
  13. Elshafei, Moustafa, Hydromagnetic desalination cell, brine desalination system, and method of desalinating brine water using the desalination cell.
  14. Pors, Jan Teunis Aart; Ramondt, Jan-Willem; Spithoven, Johannes Antonius, Magnet module for a nuclear magnetic flow meter.
  15. Abrams Joseph L. (960 Apple La. Altamonte Springs FL 32701) Maynard Arthur D. (624 Riverview Ave. Altamonte Springs FL 32701), Magnetic conditioning of liquids.
  16. Debney Howard A. (Mississauga CAX) Spencer Darrell C. (Riverview CAX), Magnetic device for the treatment of calcareous fluids.
  17. Glass David Saul,JPX, Magnetic device for the treatment of fluids.
  18. Weisenbarger Gale M. (140 Woodland Dr. Eaton OH 45320) Moran John C. (3124 Lake Ave. Fort Wayne IN 46805), Magnetic fluid conditioner.
  19. Lin Israel J. (Post Hof Hacarmel Kerem Maharal ILX 30840) Yotvat Jacob (31 Harishonim Street Kiriat Haim ILX 26302), Magnetic treatment of water used for agricultural purposes.
  20. Harcourt Gregory A. (RR#1 Northbrook ; Ontario CAX K0H 2G0 ) Harcourt David L. (RR#1 Cloyne ; Ontario CAX K0H lK0 ), Method and apparatus for magnetically treating a fluid.
  21. Whyte Lance (5307 Queensberry Ave. Springfield VA 22151) Herweyer Elliott E. (P.O. Box 257 Goochland VA 23063), Method and apparatus for magnetically treating fluids.
  22. Sanderson Charles H. (3717 Fritcha Ave. Fort Wayne IN 46806), Method of manufacturing a magnetic fuel or water treatment device.
  23. Hale, John T., Method, apparatus, and magnet for magnetically treating fluids.
  24. Burnham Jeffrey C. ; Reimers Robert S. ; Barton Jery E. ; Bankston Warren S., Methods and apparatus for the application of combined fields to disinfect fluids.
  25. Stevens Jeffrey G. (413 209th Ave. ; N. E. Redmond WA 98053), Simplified apparatus for intensified magnetic treatment of liquids.
  26. Elshafei, Moustafa, Stacked hydromagnetic desalination cell.

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