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[미국특허] Porous carbon fiber material with a thin metal film covering each fiber 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • D04H-001/58
출원번호 US-0900184 (1978-04-26)
우선권정보 JP-0053443 (1977-05-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yoshida Kazuo (Otsu JPX) Tada Shinsaku (Otsu JPX) Kitamura Atsushi (Otsu JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Toray Industries, Inc. (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 46  인용 특허 : 2


Porous material comprising a plurality of intersecting cut carbon fibers each having a diameter of 3 to 20 microns, the fibers being covered with a thin metal film and being substantially completely and randomly dispersed, accumulated and bound with a binder at portions of the intersections of the f


A porous carbon fiber material comprising a multiplicity of cut carbon fibers having a diameter of 3 to 20 microns, said fibers being substantially completely and randomly dispersed with the fibers overlaid and intersecting each other, a binder contacting said fibers at their points of intersection

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. DeCrescente Michael A. (Wethersfield CT) Layden George K. (East Hartford CT) Pike Roscoe A. (Simsbury CT), Fibrillar carbon fuel cell electrode substrates and method of manufacture.
  2. Brennan John J. (Portland CT) Bornstein Norman S. (West Hartford CT), Graphite fiber reinforced metal matrix composite.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (46) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Burk Robert C. (Chesterfield MO), 3-D Chopped-fiber composites.
  2. Krupnikov, Svetlana; Gaudry Sada, Erich Jurgen, Absorbent and/or adsorptive filter media.
  3. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural panel.
  4. Stanton Robert J. (Walworth NY) Sheckler Chad A. (Newark NY), Biofouling resistant apparatus for wastewater treatment.
  5. Otani Sugio (2010-2 ; Kurokawa ; Hishi-machi ; Kiryu-shi ; Gunma-ken JPX) Yanagisawa Sadakatsu (3-34-407 ; Mita 2-chome Minato-ku ; Tokyo JPX) Niijima Kunio (No. 563 Kamiko-machi ; Ohmiya-shi ; Saita, Carbon artificial prosthetic material.
  6. Blanyer Richard J. ; Mathews Charles L., Coated elongated core material.
  7. Blanyer Richard J. ; Mathews Charles L., Coated elongated core material.
  8. McCreary William J. (Los Alamos NM) Carroll David W. (Los Alamos NM), Coated woven materials and method of preparation.
  9. Iwaskow Richard S. (Passaic NJ) Crum Stephen M. (Wharton NJ), Compositions convertible to reinforced conductive components and articles incorporating same.
  10. Iwaskow Richard S. (Pompton Lakes NJ) Crum Stephen M. (Wharton NJ), Compositions convertible to reinforced conductive components and articles incorporating same.
  11. Brigham Alan (Sunnyvale CA), Conductive element.
  12. Miyoshi Yasushi (Bisai JPX) Ishii Yasuhiro (Gufu JPX), Diaphragm for speaker.
  13. Kachnik Joseph L. (4737 S. Melita Fort Worth TX 76133-1307), Durable, high-strength proppant and method for forming same.
  14. Patz Gary L. (Walnut Creek CA) Davenport Donald E. (Palo Alto CA), Electrically conductive prepreg materials.
  15. Brigham Alan (Sunnyvale CA), Elements comprising fibrous materials.
  16. Luxon Bruce A. (Stamford CT) Murthy Malalur V. (Wethersfield CT) Panasy Craig W. (Black Rock CT), Elongated molding granules and injection-molding process employing them.
  17. Zuberi, Bilal; Pillai, Sunilkumar C.; Lachenauer, Robert G.; Dutta, Biprodas; Carty, William M., Extruded porous substrate and products using the same.
  18. Schmidt Klaus (Kaiserslautern DEX), Filter packing.
  19. Iniotakis Nicolas (Strtzstrasse 25 Jlich DEX) von der Decken Claus-Benedict (Strtzstrasse 25 Aachen DEX) Frhling Werner (Strtzstrasse 25 Dren DEX) Schoeller Jochen (Strtzstrasse 25 D-5160 Dren DEX) G, Fine screen and fine screen stack, their use and process for the manufacture of fine screens.
  20. Gemperline, Laura A., Floor tile.
  21. Yamamoto Yasunobu (22-9 Chiryu JPX) Ban Hiroshi (8-119 Toyota JPX) Nakavishi Katumi (150-31 ; Arimatsuura-Aza ; Narumi-cho ; Midori-ku ; Nagoya JPX) Tomikawa Ryoichi (8-119 ; Nishiyama ; Nakane-cho T, Friction member of non-asbestos.
  22. Luxon Bruce A. (Stamford CT), Injection molding granules comprising copper coated fibers.
  23. Iwabuchi, Katsuhiko, Load lock apparatus, processing system and substrate processing method.
  24. Iwabuchi, Katsuhiko, Load lock apparatus, processing system and substrate processing method.
  25. Manabe Katsuhide (Aichi JPX) Tsutsui Masatoshi (Aichi JPX) Suzuki Toshimasa (Gamagori JPX) Suzuki Masayuki (Aichi JPX) Nishibayashi Yoshifumi (Gamagori JPX), Metal-coated fibrous objects.
  26. Brotz Gregory R. (P.O. Box 1322 Sheboygan WI 53081), Metalized fiber/member structures and methods of producing same.
  27. Ebneth Harold (Leverkusen DEX) Preis Lothar (Bergisch-Gladbach DEX) Giesecke Henning (Cologne DEX) Wolf Gerhard D. (Dormagen DEX), Metallized carbon fibres and composite materials containing these fibres.
  28. Blanyer Richard J. (P.O. Box 18394 Austin TX 78760) Mathews Charles L. (P.O. Box 6290 Austin TX 78762), Method and apparatus for coating a core material with metal.
  29. Montgomery, Stephen W.; Aldridge, Tomm V., Method and apparatus for producing aligned carbon nanotube thermal interface structure.
  30. Zuberi, Bilal, Method and apparatus for strengthening a porous substrate.
  31. Roberts, David A.; Lin, Hao-Yu; Bengtson, Thomas R.; Rueckes, Thomas; Robinson, Karl; Manning, H. Montgomery; Sen, Rahul; Monteiro, Michel, Methods for arranging nanoscopic elements within networks, fabrics, and films.
  32. Roberts, David A.; Lin, Hao-Yu; Bengtson, Thomas R.; Rueckes, Thomas; Robinson, Karl; Manning, H. Montgomery; Sen, Rahul; Monteiro, Michel Pires, Methods for arranging nanotube elements within nanotube fabrics and films.
  33. Giglia Robert D. (Rye NY) Battistelli Edward A. (Stratford CT), Non-woven activated carbon fabric.
  34. O\Connor Michael T. (Springfield MA) Capistran James D. (Suffield CT) Brozek James P. (Ludlow MA) Morgan Albert W. (Wilbraham MA), Oxidation-resistant metal coatings.
  35. Tradewell George (Rte. 903 Jim Thorpe PA 18229) Smith W. Novis (135 S. 18th St. Philadelphia PA 19103), Partially-carbonized polyacrylonitrile filter.
  36. Japp, Robert M.; Poliks, Mark D., Porous power and ground planes for reduced PCB delamination and better reliability.
  37. Gibson James O. (871 El Oro La. Pacific Palisades CA 90272) Gibson Mark G. (871 El Oro La. Pacific Palisades CA 90272), Production of carbon fiber-tantalum carbide composites.
  38. Baasner Ernst (Monheim DEX) Lnne Klaus (Burscheid DEX) Majewski Klaus-Peter (Burscheid DEX), Sealing ring for sealing an articulated connection.
  39. Shane, Bruce E., Surface modified filtration media.
  40. White, Bryan M.; Koning, Paul A.; Zhang, Yuegang; Garner, C. M., Thermal intermediate apparatus, systems, and methods.
  41. White,Bryan M.; Koning,Paul A.; Zhang,Yuegang; Garner,C. Michael, Thermal intermediate apparatus, systems, and methods.
  42. Ziebarth, Robin; Nilsson, Robert T., Thermal shock resistant soot filter.
  43. Jensen Warren M. (Kirkland WA) Wilkinson William C. (Redmond WA), Thermally conductive printed wiring board laminate.
  44. Van Baar, Nicolaas, Wallpaper product with a surface pattern.
  45. Morin Louis G. (Tarrytown NY), Yarns and tows comprising high strength metal coated fibers, process for their production, and articles made therefrom.
  46. Morin Louis G. (Tarrytown NY), Yarns and tows comprising high strength metal coated fibers, process for their production, and articles made therefrom.

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