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[미국특허] Method of producing silicon carbide fibers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C01B-031/36
출원번호 US-0047845 (1979-06-12)
우선권정보 JP-0127629 (1977-10-26); JP-0127630 (1977-10-26); JP-0148488 (1977-12-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yajima Seishi (Oharai JPX) Okamura Kiyohito (Oharai JPX) Hasegawa Yoshio (Oharai JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Research Institute for The Foundation: Special Inorganic Materials (Asahi JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 2


A process for producing polycarbosilane partly containing siloxane bonds, which comprises adding 0.01 to 15% by weight of polyborosiloxane having phenyl groups in at least a part of the side chains of Si with its skeletal structure being composed of B, Si and O to a polysilane having the structure [


A process for producing continuous silicon carbide fibers composed mainly of SiC, which comprises (1) preparing polycarbosilane partly containing siloxane bonds by adding 0.01 to 15% by weight of polyborosiloxane having phenyl groups in at least a part of the side chains of Si with its skeletal stru

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Asada ; Chiaki ; Kusaka ; Katsushi ; Kajima ; Hisashi, Chromium base alloy composite materials reinforced with continuous silicon carbide fibers and a method for producing th.
  2. Yajima ; Seishi ; Hayashi ; Josaburo ; Omori ; Mamoru, Silicon carbide fibers having a high strength and a method for producing said fibers.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Yajima ; deceased Seishi (late of Higashihiroshima JPX by Mantaro Yajima ; heir) Noda ; heir Akiko (Tokyo JPX) Okamura Kiyohito (Oharai JPX) Hasegawa Yoshio (Oharai JPX) Yamaura Takemi (Oharai JPX), Continuous inorganic fibers and process for production thereof.
  2. Yajima Mantaro (Higashihiroshima JPX) Noda Akiko (Tokyo JPX) Okamura Kiyohito (Oharai JPX) Hasegawa Yoshio (Oharai JPX) Yamamura Takemi (Oharai JPX), Continuous inorganic fibers and process for production thereof.
  3. Lu Paul P. (Midland MI), Infusible preceramic polymers via nitric oxide treatment.
  4. Takamizawa Minoru (Niigata JPX) Kobayashi Taishi (Niigata JPX) Hayashida Akira (Niigata JPX) Takeda Yoshihumi (Niigata JPX), Method for the preparation of an inorganic fiber containing silicon, carbon, boron and nitrogen.
  5. Hatta Tokuaki (Kitakyushu JPX) Ueno Haruyuki (Kitakyushu JPX) Katsura Yuji (Kitakyushu JPX) Fukuda Kazushige (Kitakyushu JPX) Kubota Hiroshi (Kitakyushu JPX) Hamamatu Takashi (Kitakyushu JPX), Method of making flaky b 상세보기
  • Okamura Kiyohito (Mito JPX) Sato Mitsuhiko (Ibaraki JPX) Hasegawa Yoshio (Ibaraki JPX), Method of producing continuous inorganic fiber consisting of Si, N and O.
  • Barnard Thomas Duncan ; Zank Gregg Alan,JPX, Polycarbosilane hydroxides and methods for their preparation.
  • Brown-Wensley Katherine A. (Lake Elmo MN) Sinclair Robert A. (St. Paul MN), Polyhydridosilanes and their conversion to pyropolymers.
  • Brown-Wensley Katherine A. (Lake Elmo MN) Sinclair Robert A. (St. Paul MN), Polyhydridosilanes and their conversion to pyropolymers.
  • Brown-Wensley, Katherine A.; Sinclair, Robert A., Polyhydridosilanes and their conversion to pyropolymers.
  • Mininni Robert M. (Califon NJ) Haider M. Ishaq (Springfield NJ) French Stuart M. (Chatham NJ) Wesley John L. (Wayne NJ), Process for dry spinning thermally sensitive organosilicon preceramic fibers with production of ceramic fibers therefrom.
  • Richter Robin (Hilbersdorf DEX) Martin Hans-Peter (Freiberg DEX) Roewer Gerhard (Freiberg DEX) Mueller Eberhard (Jena DEX) Kraemer Hans (Hilbersdorf DEX) Sartori Peter (Rheinberg DEX) Oelschlaeger An, Process for producing an oxygen-free or low-oxygen, high-temperature resistant shaped article of silicon carbide.
  • Sugimoto, Masaki; Idesaki, Akira; Okamura, Kiyohito, Process for producing microceramic tubes by radiation exposure of silicon-based polymers.
  • Smith ; Jr. Troy L. (Baton Rouge LA), Process for the production of silicon carbide by the pyrolysis of a polycarbosilane polymer.
  • Hatta Tokuaki (Kitakyushu JPX) Ueno Haruyuki (Kitakyushu JPX) Katsura Yuji (Kitakyushu JPX) Fukuda Kazushige (Kitakyushu JPX) Kubota Hiroshi (Kitakyushu JPX) Hamamatu Takashi (Kitakyushu JPX), Refractories with flaky b 상세보기
  • Leung Roger Y. (Schaumburg IL), Silicon carboxide fibers from gel spinning cyclosiloxane polymer precursors.
  • 활용도 분석정보


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