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[미국특허] Flush-mountable lock with actuator disconnect feature 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E05B-055/10
출원번호 US-0108011 (1979-12-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Davis Edwin W. (Medina OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Eastern Company (Cleveland OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 3


A door lock has a flush-mountable body. A forwardly facing recess is defined by the body. A push-button actuator for operating the lock is carried by the body and is movable between normal and operating positions. A bolt is carried on the back of the body and is movable between latching and unlatchi


A flush-mountable door lock, comprising: (a) a body structure having side and back walls which cooperate to define a forwardly-facing recess, and having an opening formed through the back wall; (b) a bolt structure supported on the body structure at a location behind a portion of the back all, the b

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Tannery ; Edward F., Door lock.
  2. Kalis ; Jr. George (Brunswick OH), Paddle handle lock bolt.
  3. Miyabayashi ; Yoshiyuki ; Tsuchiya ; Yoshimasa, Remotely actuated lock arrangement for motor vehicle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27)

  1. Lee S. Weinerman ; Scott A. Arthurs, Combination of handle and housing for latches and locks.
  2. Lee S. Weinerman ; Scott A. Arthurs, Combination of housing and T-handle for latches and locks.
  3. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott A., Combination of housing and paddle handle for latches and locks.
  4. Lee S. Weinerman ; Scott A. Arthurs, Combined housing and T-handle for latches and locks.
  5. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Arthurs Scott A. (Brunswick OH), Handle operable rotary latch and lock.
  6. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Arthurs Scott A. (Brunswick OH), Handle operable rotary latch and lock.
  7. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Arthurs Scott A. (Brunswick OH), Handle operable two-point latch and lock.
  8. Lee S. Weinerman ; Scott A. Arthurs, Housing for latches and locks.
  9. Lee S. Weinerman ; Scott A. Arthurs, Housing for latches and locks.
  10. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Mayo Steven A. (Akron OH) McLinden Thomas V. (Oxford CT) Wentzell Timothy H. (South Windsor CT), Latch and lock assemblies with expansible latch elements.
  11. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Albris Frank R. (Parma OH) McClinden Thomas V. (Oxford CT) Wentzell Timothy H. (South Windsor CT), Latch and lock assemblies with lift and turn handles.
  12. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Mayo Steven A. (Akron OH) McLinden Thomas V. (Oxford CT) Wentzell Timothy H. (South Windsor CT), Latch and lock assemblies with spring-biased pivot bolts.
  13. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Mayo Steven A. (Akron OH) Vargus Joel T. (Parma OH) McLinden Thomas V. (Oxford CT) Wentzell Timothy H. (South Windsor CT), Latch and lock assemblies with spring-biased pivot bolts.
  14. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Worden David F. (Brookpark OH) Lauterbach Norman (Ormond Beach FL) Farmer ; Jr. Wilton T. (Mechanicsville VA), Latch and lock assemblies with spring-biased pivot bolts.
  15. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Mayo Steven A. (Akron OH) Vargus Joel T. (Middleburg Heights OH) Albris Frank R. (Parma OH) Russell Richard H. (Farmington CT) McLinden Thomas V. (Oxford CT) O\Grady Rich, Latch and lock assemblies with spring-biased slide bolts.
  16. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Mayo Steven A. (Akron OH) Vargus Joel T. (Middleburg Heights OH) Albris Frank R. (Parma OH) Russell Richard H. (Farmington CT) McLinden Thomas V. (Oxford CT) O\Grady Rich, Latch and lock housings, handles and mounting brackets.
  17. Luehr,Richard E.; Phillips,Ron W.; Watson,Peter T., Ramp door and frame assembly.
  18. Burns, Sean T., Rotary actuation latch with disconnect feature.
  19. Weinerman Lee S. ; Arthurs Scott A. ; Kuminski Arthur J., Rotary latch and lock.
  20. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Vargus Joel T. (Middleburg Hts. OH), Rotary latch with internal bumper block.
  21. Lee S. Weinerman ; Arthur J. Kuminski, Rotary latches with enhanced service longevity.
  22. Garneau, Gregory Gilbert; Mengstab, Evan, Rotary pawl latch.
  23. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Vargus Joel T. (Middleburg Heights OH), Sliding door lock.
  24. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Vargus Joel T. (Parma OH), Sliding door lock.
  25. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott A., T-handle operable rotary latch and lock.
  26. Burns,Sean T., Tray and handle assembly for rotary actuation latch.
  27. Lee S. Weinerman ; Scott A. Arthurs, Versatile paddle handle operating mechanism for latches and locks.
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