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[미국특허] Solar heating system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F24J-003/02
출원번호 US-0130630 (1980-03-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Voges Kenneth (Red Bud IL) Schoenbeck Elroy A. (Red Bud IL) O\Hara Mark F. (Red Bud IL) Schmitt Thomas E. (Red Bud IL)
출원인 / 주소
  • Red Bud Industries, Inc. (Red Bud IL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 43  인용 특허 : 4


A solar heating system includes an array of solar collectors and a manifold through which the collectors are supplied with water, this water being derived from a storage tank located below the collectors. The water is circulated through the collectors by a pump, and within the collectors the water i


For use in a solar heating system, the combination comprising: at least one solar collector having its one end mounted higher than its other end and including a surface that is capable of absorbing a substantial amount of heat from the rays of the sun, means for enclosing a cavity behind the heat ab

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Artweger Wolfgang (Windischgarsten ATX), Energy conversion apparatus.
  2. Meier Harold K. (9620 Royalton Drive Beverly Hills CA 90210) Popovich John Michael (9620 Royalton Drive Beverly Hills CA 90210), Flat plate solar energy collector.
  3. Hubbard ; S. Eugene, Solar energy collector panel.
  4. Straza George T. (1071 Industrial Pl. El Cajon CA 92020), Solar heating shingle roof structure.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (43) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. West, Jack Raymond, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  2. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  3. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  4. West, John R.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  5. West, John R.; Manansala, Christina C.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  6. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil, Combined panel skirt and photovoltaic panels.
  7. Voges, Kevin C., Conditioning liquid cleaning and recycling system for sheet metal conditioning apparatus.
  8. West, Jack Raymond, Coupling.
  9. Cinnamon, Barry; Baker, David; Leong, Wilson W.; Au, Alexander W., Electrical connectors for solar modules.
  10. West, Jack Raymond, Leveling foot.
  11. West, Jack Raymond, Leveling foot.
  12. West, John R., Leveling foot apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic arrays.
  13. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Method and apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  14. West, Jack Raymond; Manansala, Christina C.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Method and apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  15. Voges, Kevin, Method and apparatus for leveling and conditioning sheet metal.
  16. Voges Kevin, Method and apparatus for processing sheet metal.
  17. Voges,Kevin C., Method of removing scale and inhibiting oxidation and cold rolling sheet metal.
  18. Voges,Kevin C., Method of removing scale and inhibiting oxidation and galvanizing sheet metal.
  19. Voges,Kevin C., Method of removing scale and inhibiting oxidation and pre-painting sheet metal.
  20. Voges, Kevin, Method of removing scale and inhibiting oxidation in processed sheet metal.
  21. Voges,Kevin, Method of removing scale and inhibiting oxidation in processed sheet metal.
  22. Leong, Wilson; Au, Alex, Minimal ballasted surface mounting system and method.
  23. Cinnamon, Barry; Levy, Emanuel E.; Baker, David E.; Au, Alexander A., Mounting system for solar panels.
  24. West, Jack Raymond, Panel frame.
  25. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil, Panel skirt and photovoltaic panel.
  26. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil; Atchley, Brian, Pivot-fit connection apparatus and system for photovoltaic arrays.
  27. West, Jack Raymond, Pivot-fit connection apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic modules.
  28. West, John R., Pivot-fit connection apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic modules.
  29. West, Jack Raymond, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  30. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  31. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Coleman, Nathaniel, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  32. West, John R., Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  33. O'Brien, Timothy S.; Camenga, Eric P., Portable heating system and method for pest control.
  34. O'Brien, Timothy S.; Camenga, Eric P., Portable heating system and method for pest control.
  35. West, John Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil; Capsuto, Ian; Medcroft, Chad; Atchley, Brian; Coleman, Nate, Skirt for photovoltaic arrays.
  36. Møller, Brent, Solar collector.
  37. Rohr, Robert M.; Rohr, Max J., Solar collector.
  38. Sonne, Jeffrey K.; Vieira, Robin K., Solar gutter, sofia facia, architectural ledge and ground engaging systems.
  39. Frank, Arthur M., Solar heating system.
  40. Ryba-White, Julian; Scott, Damien; Tarbell, Ben, Solar panel fire skirt.
  41. Edens, Jason W.; Allen, Barbara Jean; Hayden, Sarah J.; Wright, Graham S., Solar powered furnace and furnace array.
  42. Horne, Steve; Hale, Mary Jane; Prather, Eric; Young, Peter, Solar thermal collector manifold.
  43. Palmieri, Vittorio; Di Giamberardino, Francesco, Solar thermal panel array field arrangement and related vacuum solar thermal panel.

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