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[미국특허] Laser line of light generator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01S-003/07
  • H01S-003/10
출원번호 US-0159002 (1980-06-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bleil Carl E. (Rochester MI) Epton Paul J. (Royal Oak MI)
출원인 / 주소
  • General Motors Corporation (Detroit MI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 5


A line of laser light is produced having a uniform intensity over an area of ten centimeters by one centimeter and having an energy density of several J/cm2. A grating forms from a laser beam several divergent beams of nearly equal intensity and a converging lens collimates the beams into slightly o


Apparatus for producing a line of continuous uniform intense laser light perpendicular to the direction of light propagation, comprising a planar laser amplifier having a plurality of parallel laser rods nested together to form a plate, the rods each having a triangular cross-section so that they fi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Blazey Richard N. (Rochester NY), Acoustooptic modulation and deflection.
  2. Tourres Francois G. (Octeville-sur-Mer FRX), Apparatus and method for optical control of the profile of a body utilizing a planar laser beam.
  3. Sinclair Brett Jason (150-11 72ND Road Flushing NY 11367) Youngelson Harold (647 Academy St. New York NY 10034), Light scanning device.
  4. Zeidler Gunter (Unterpfaffenhofen DT), Optical intermediate amplifier for a communications system.
  5. Hagen Wilhelm F. (Livermore CA), Segmented amplifier configurations for laser amplifier.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Blazey Richard N. (Penfield NY), Apparatus and method providing improved control of a laser beam.
  2. Chern,Jyh Long; Liu,Chia Yu; Wang,Hau Wei; Yang,Fu Shiang, Beam shaping apparatus.
  3. Delache, Alain J.; Hansen, Gary; Bowman, Bruce, Customized respiratory mask and method of manufacturing same.
  4. Hunter Robert O. (1811 Verano Pl. Irvine CA 92664) Fried David L. (5362 S. Ohio St. Yorba Linda CA 92686), High energy laser.
  5. Zamel James M., Laser diode mounting technique to evenly deposit energy.
  6. Bietry Joseph R., Laser line generator system.
  7. Andrew Roger F. (Hamilton OH), Laser pipe layout device.
  8. Neiheisel Gary L. (Cincinnati OH), Laser treatment of electrical steel and optical scanning assembly therefor.
  9. Lesh James R. (Pasadena CA), Means for phase locking the outputs of a surface emitting laser diode array.
  10. Norris, Perry R., Methods for medical device alignment.
  11. Zayhowski, John J., Miniature laser/amplifier system.

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