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[미국특허] Non-electric delay detonator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42C-015/00
출원번호 US-0177210 (1980-08-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bryan Paul J. (Hewitt NJ)
출원인 / 주소
  • E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Company (Wilmington DE 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 2


The ignition assembly of a non-electric delay detonator which is adapted for field-assembly with a low-energy detonating cord has an expansion shell provided with a cavity into which the cord is inserted at the time of use. The pressure pulse resulting from the detonation of the cord causes the shel


In a non-electric delay detonator adapted to be actuated by a low-energy detonating cord and comprising a tubular metal detonator shell integrally closed at one end and containing, in sequence from the closed end, (a) a base charge of a detonating explosive composition, (b) a priming charge of a hea

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Savitt Jacob (Capitola CA) Morgan William Campbell (San Jose CA), Booster apparatus for augmenting side initiation of explosive cords.
  2. Bowman Arthur F. (Tamaqua PA) Camerini Francis J. (Tamaqua PA), Delay booster assembly.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Mitchell ; Jr. Hardin D. (Monument CO) Yunan Malak E. (Boonton Township ; Morris County NJ), Assembly for initiating explosives with low-energy detonating cord.
  2. Shahinpour, Arash; Müller, Jörg; Mulhern, Eric; Preiss, Frank Haron, Ballistic transfer module.
  3. Welch Brendan M. ; Lucca Frank J. ; Toro Daniel A. ; Bahr Lyman G., Booster explosive devices and combinations thereof with explosive accessory charges.
  4. Yunan Malak E. (Boonton Township ; Morris County NJ), Connector and detonator/connector assembly for initiating explosive primers with low-energy detonating cord.
  5. Florin Hans (Troisdorf Sieglar DEX), Delay detonator.
  6. Yunan Malak E. (Boonton Township ; Morris County NJ), Delay detonator.
  7. Dumenko, Viktor; Borgström, Ulf; Holmberg, Roger, Detonator.
  8. Mason, Justin Lee, Explosive device booster assembly and method of use.
  9. Shahinpour, Arash; Mueller, Joerg; Mulhern, Eric; Preiss, Frank Haron, Method of initiating a percussion initiator.
  10. Reiss Peter F. (Sugarloaf PA), Multi-directional signal transmission in a blast initiation system.
  11. Yunan Malak E. (Boonton Township ; Morris County NJ), Non-electric blasting assembly.
  12. Yunan Malak E. (Boonton Township ; Boonton County NJ), Non-electric detonators without a percussion element.
  13. Colle ; Jr. Edward A. (Houston TX) Yates ; Jr. Donald N. (Katy TX) Brieger Emmet F. (Nogal NM), Sidewall core gun.
  14. Thureson Gary R. (Avon CT) Davis Eric R. (Torrington CT) Gladden Ernest L. (Granby CT) Zappalorti Alvaro (Avon CT), Universal isolation member and non-electric detonator cap including the same.
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