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[미국특허] Wellhead apparatus and method of running same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E21B-023/02
  • E21B-023/06
  • E21B-033/03
출원번호 US-0202594 (1980-10-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Miller Henry W. (Houston TX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Cameron Iron Works, Inc. (Houston TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 72  인용 특허 : 2


A well apparatus and method of running same, which apparatus includes a hanger body with a downwardly facing external shoulder adapted to land on a wellhead housing landing seat and having an external flow passage therearound for flow of fluids past the landing shoulder and around the exterior of th


A well apparatus comprising a hanger body having a downwardly facing external shoulder adapted to land on a well housing landing seat, an external flow passage for the flow of fluids past the landing shoulder and around the exterior of the hanger body and a seal surface above said shoulder, a packer

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ahlstone Arthur G. (Ventura CA), Apparatus for setting and locking packing assemblies in wellheads.
  2. Gazda ; Imre I. ; Carroll ; Albert W., Bottom hole fluid pressure communicating probe and locking mandrel.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (72) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Nas, Stephanus Wilhelmus Maria; Anderson, Jr., Waybourn “Bo” J.; Gray, Kevin L.; Bailey, Thomas F., Acoustically controlled subsea latching and sealing system and method for an oilfield device.
  2. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Adapters for double-locking casing mandrel and method of using same.
  3. Zimmerman, Patrick J.; Turley, Rocky A.; Oudat, Rami Al, Anchoring and sealing system for a downhole tool.
  4. Hirth, David E.; Pedersen, Gerald D.; Gudmestad, Tarald, Bi-directionally boosting and internal pressure trapping packing element system.
  5. Hirth,David E.; Pedersen,Gerald D.; Gudmestad,Tarald, Bi-directionally boosting and internal pressure trapping packing element system.
  6. Thornburrow, Edward T.; Thornton, Edward J., Casing hanger lockdown tools.
  7. Henderson Herman O. (Aberdeen TX GB6) Hynes Joseph H. (Houston TX), Casing hanger with landing shoulder seal insert.
  8. McGuire, Bob, Casing mandrel for facilitating well completion, re-completion or workover.
  9. McGuire, Bob, Casing mandrel for facilitating well completion, re-completion or workover.
  10. Dallas,L. Murray; McGuire,Bob, Casing mandrel with well stimulation tool and tubing head spool for use with the casing mandrel.
  11. Dallas,L. Murray; McGuire,Bob, Casing mandrel with well stimulation tool and tubing head spool for use with the casing mandrel.
  12. Dallas,L. Murray; McGuire,Bob, Casing mandrel with well stimulation tool and tubing head spool for use with the casing mandrel.
  13. Krause ; Jr. William F. (Spring TX) Hopmann Mark E. (Houston TX), Downhole locking apparatus.
  14. Krause ; Jr. William F. (Spring TX) Hopmann Mark E. (Houston TX), Downhole locking apparatus.
  15. McGuire, Bob; Dallas, L. Murray, Drilling flange and independent screwed wellhead with metal-to-metal seal and method of use.
  16. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Drilling flange and independent screwed wellhead with metal-to-metal seal and method of use.
  17. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Drilling flange and independent screwed wellhead with metal-to-metal seal and method of use.
  18. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Drilling flange and independent screwed wellhead with metal-to-metal seal and method of use.
  19. Hoyer, Carel W.; Hannegan, Don M.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Jacobs, Melvin T.; White, Nicky A., Drilling with a high pressure rotating control device.
  20. Vanderford,Delbert E.; Cocker,Garry Lee; Yook,Bok Soo, Full bore wellhead load shoulder and support ring.
  21. Luke, Mike A., High expansion packer.
  22. Gette, Nicholas Peter; Boehm, Carl F.; Barnhart, Daniel Ralph, High-capacity single-trip lockdown bushing and a method to operate the same.
  23. Dallas, L. Murray; McGuire, Bob; Artherholt, Danny Lee, High-pressure threaded union with metal-to-metal seal, and metal ring gasket for same.
  24. Dallas, L. Murray; McGuire, Bob; Artherholt, Danny Lee, High-pressure threaded union with metal-to-metal seal, and metal ring gasket for same.
  25. Dallas,L. Murray; McGuire,Bob; Artherholt,Danny Lee, High-pressure threaded union with metal-to-metal seal, and metal ring gasket for same.
  26. Sokol, Jonathan P.; Wagoner, Danny W.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Rios, III, Aristeo; Chambers, James W.; Hannegan, Don M., Interlocking low profile rotating control device.
  27. Bourgoyne,Darryl A.; Hannegan,Don M.; Bailey,Thomas F.; Chambers,James W.; Wilson,Timothy L., Internal riser rotating control head.
  28. Bourgoyne,Darryl A.; Hannegan,Don M.; Bailey,Thomas F.; Chambers,James W.; Wilson,Timothy L., Internal riser rotating control head.
  29. Gray, Kevin L.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Sokol, Jonathan P.; White, Nicky A., Latch position indicator system and method.
  30. Gray, Kevin L.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Sokol, Jonathan P.; White, Nicky A., Latch position indicator system and method.
  31. Gray, Kevin L.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Sokol, Jonathan P.; White, Nicky A., Latch position indicator system and method.
  32. Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W., Leak detection method for a rotating control head bearing assembly and its latch assembly using a comparator.
  33. Ford, David L.; Jurena, Johnny E., Location-and-rotation feedback tool for subsea wellheads and method of operating same.
  34. Bailey, Thomas F; Chambers, James W.; Hannegan, Don M.; Woodruff, David R., Low profile rotating control device.
  35. Hannegan, Don M.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Harrall, Simon J., Low profile rotating control device.
  36. Hannegan, Don M.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Woodruff, David R.; Harrall, Simon J., Low profile rotating control device.
  37. Bailey, Thomas F.; Tilton, Frederick Thomas; Hannegan, Don M.; Anderson, Jr., Waybourn J.; Harrall, Simon J., Lubricating seal for use with a tubular.
  38. Kellett Rodney (Leeds GB2), Method and apparatus for remote installations of dual tubing strings in a subsea well.
  39. Bourgoyne,Darryl A.; Hannegan,Don M., Method and system for return of drilling fluid from a sealed marine riser to a floating drilling rig while drilling.
  40. Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Hannegan, Don M.; Gravouia, Mark F., Method for cooling a rotating control device.
  41. Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Hannegan, Don M.; Gravouia, Mark F., Method for cooling a rotating control head.
  42. Hannegan,Don, Method for pressurized mud cap and reverse circulation drilling from a floating drilling rig using a sealed marine riser.
  43. McGuire, Bob; Dallas, L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  44. McGuire, Bob; Dallas, L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  45. McGuire, Bob; Dallas, L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  46. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  47. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  48. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  49. Ingram, Gary Duron, Packing element booster.
  50. Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Wagoner, Danny W., Remote operation of an oilfield device.
  51. Bailey,Thomas F.; Chambers,James W., Riser rotating control device.
  52. Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Wagoner, Danny W., Rotating control device docking station.
  53. Bailey, Thomas F.; Hannegan, Don M.; Chambers, James W.; Wagoner, Danny W., Rotating control device docking station.
  54. Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Hannegan, Don M.; Gravouia, Mark F., Rotating control head radial seal protection and leak detection systems.
  55. Hannegan, Don M.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Jacobs, Melvin T.; White, Nicky A.; Hoyer, Carel W., Rotating control system and method for providing a differential pressure.
  56. Nguyen, Dennis P., Slip hanger assembly and actuator.
  57. Grodem, Kristoffer; Hatloy, Hallvard Svadberg; Yakeley, Sean B.; Desai, Mona; Easley, Brad T.; Hove, Njaal, Subsea conductor anchor.
  58. Bailey, Thomas F.; Wagoner, Danny W.; Anderson, Waybourn J., Subsea internal riser rotating control device system and method.
  59. Bailey, Thomas F.; Wagoner, Danny W.; Anderson, Jr., Waybourn J., Subsea internal riser rotating control head seal assembly.
  60. Purkis, Daniel George, Switching device for, and a method of switching, a downhole tool.
  61. Hannegan, Don M.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Jacobs, Melvin T.; White, Nicky A., System and method for cooling a rotating control device.
  62. McGuire, Bob; Dallas, L. Murray, System and method for low-pressure well completion.
  63. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, System and method for low-pressure well completion.
  64. Hannegan, Don M.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Harrall, Simon J., System and method for managing heave pressure from a floating rig.
  65. Hannegan, Don M.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Harrall, Simon J., System and method for managing heave pressure from a floating rig.
  66. Hannegan, Don M.; Bailey, Thomas F.; Harrall, Simon J., System and method for managing heave pressure from a floating rig.
  67. Bailey, Thomas F.; Chambers, James W.; Wagoner, Danny W., System for drilling a borehole.
  68. Caulfield J. Keith (Houston TX) Danner B. Lee (Houston TX) Milberger Lionel J. (Houston TX), Tieback connector with protective landing sleeve.
  69. Ahlstone Arthur G. (Ventura CA), Tool for running structures in a well.
  70. Freiheit, Roland R.; Wilkin, James F., Two-stage downhole packer.
  71. Hannegan, Don M., Universal marine diverter converter.
  72. Nguyen, Dennis P.; Guidry, Kirk P.; Lim, Haw Keat, Wellhead hanger shoulder.

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