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[미국특허] Fuel distribution control system for an internal combustion engine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/20
  • B60K-041/18
  • F02D-005/00
출원번호 US-0399537 (1982-07-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Johnson Edwin A. (Clarkston MI) Leung Chun K. (Bloomfield Hills MI)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Bendix Corporation (Southfield MI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 5


A fuel distribution control system for equalizing the amplitude of the torque impulses imparted to the crankshaft of an internal combustion engine having a fuel control computer generating fuel quantity signals indicative of the engines fuel requirements, fuel delivery means delivering fuel to the e


A fuel distribution control for an internal combustion engine comprising: means for computing the phase angle and amplitude signals indicative of the torque impulses applied to a rotary member of the engine by the combustion process in each engine cylinder; first difference means for comparing said

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

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  2. Woodhouse Richard G. (Birmingham GB2) Williams Malcolm (Birmingham GB2), Fuel control system for an internal combustion engine.
  3. Frobenius Wolf-Dietrich (Asperg DT), Method and apparatus for determining smooth running operation in an internal combustion engine.
  4. Frobenius Wolf-Dietrich (Asperg DT) Schweizer Hartmut (Korntal DT), Process and apparatus for controlling engine operation near the lean-running limit.
  5. Leung Chun-Keung (Farmington MI), Warm up control for closed loop engine roughness fuel control.

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  1. Matsumura Toshimi (Aichi JPX) Sumitani Shinya (Anjo JPX) Hayakawa Takahiro (Kariya JPX) Hasegawa Takashi (Tajimi CA JPX) Sakakibara Shuji (Palos Verdes CA), Apparatus and method for controlling amount of fuel injected into engine cylinders.
  2. Matekunas Frederic A. (Troy MI), Engine combustion control with fuel balancing by pressure ratio management.
  3. Matsumura Toshimi (Aichi JPX) Miyaki Masahiko (Oobu JPX) Tomishima Hitoshi (Oobu JPX) Masuda Akira (Aichi JPX), Engine control system and method for minimizing cylinder-to-cylinder speed variations.
  4. Inada Yoshihiro,JPX ; Kishimoto Youichi,JPX, Engine misfire diagnosis apparatus.
  5. Johnson Edwin A. (Clarkston MI), Fuel distribution control for an internal combustion engine.
  6. Johnson Edwin A. (Clarkston MI) Leung Chun K. (Bloomfield Hills MI), Fuel distribution control system for an internal combustion engine.
  7. Nation, Thomas C.; Kempfer, Stephen T.; Knight, James; Thompson, James L., Fuel pump motor using carbon commutator having reduced filming.
  8. Takao Mitsunori (Kariya JPX) Kimura Takahiko (Nagoya JPX), Idle operation control for internal combustion engines.
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  13. Matsumura Toshimi (Aichi JPX) Hasegawa Takashi (Tajimi JPX) Hayakawa Takahiro (Kariya JPX) Sumitani Shinya (Anjo CA JPX) Sakakibara Shuji (Rancho Palos Verdes CA), Method and apparatus for controlling amount of fuel injected into engine cylinders.
  14. Takizawa Satoshi (Yokosuka JPX), Method and apparatus for engine control.
  15. Uhl, Stephan, Method and device for controlling a multicylinder internal combustion engine.
  16. Oblaender Kurt (Kernen DEX) Abthoff Joerg (Pluederhausen DEX) Schmidt Karlwalter (Weinstadt DEX), Method for the regulation of the mixture composition in a mixture-compressing internal combustion engine.
  17. Ito Takeshi,JPX ; Taue Jun,JPX ; Maebashi Kosei,JPX, Multiple cylinder engine control.
  18. Johnson Edwin A. (Clarkston MI) Leung Chun K. (Bloomfield Hills MI), Phase angle modification of the torque amplitude for fuel distribution control systems.
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