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[미국특허] Emulsion explosive compositions and method of preparation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C06B-045/00
출원번호 US-0456843 (1983-01-10)
우선권정보 CA-0395372 (1982-02-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bampfield Howard A. (Otterburn Park CAX)
출원인 / 주소
  • C-I-L Inc. (North York, Ontario CAX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 10


A two-component emulsion explosive composition is provided consisting of a continuous oil/fuel phase and a discontinuous aqueous oxidizer salt phase and, as an emulsifier, a dimer acid glyceride wherein the dimer acid has a carbon atom chain length of C18-C60. The composition demonstrates superior p


A thermally and storage stable water-in-oilemulsion explosive of putty-like consistency comprising a water-immiscible liquid organic fuel continuous phase, an aqueous inorganic oxidizer salt solution discontinuous phase and from 0.5 to 4% by weight of the total composition of a dimer acid glyceride

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ekman Gunnar O. (Nora SEX) Granlund Lars A. (Nora SEX), Emulsion explosive sensitive to a detonator.
  2. Jessop Harvey A. (Lehi UT) Funk Albert G. (Salt Lake City UT), Emulsion explosives containing high concentrations of calcium nitrate.
  3. Mullay ; John J., Emulsion sensitized gelled explosive composition.
  4. Owen ; II James H. (Hagerstown MD), Emulsion-type explosive composition and method for the preparation thereof.
  5. Binet Rejean (St. Bruno CAX) Cloutier Joseph A. R. (Montreal CAX) Edmonds Anthony C. F. (St. Hilaire CAX) Holden Harold W. (St. Hilaire CAX) McNicol Melvin A. (Otterburn Park CAX), Explosive compositions based on time-stable colloidal dispersions.
  6. Fillman Harold T. (Bowie MD), Low water emulsion explosive compositions optionally containing inert salts.
  7. Sudweeks Walter B. (Orem UT) Lawrence Larry D. (Salt Lake City UT), Thermally stable emulsion explosive composition.
  8. Hattori Katsuhide (Aichi JPX) Fukatsu Yoshiaki (Aichi JPX) Takahashi Masao (Aichi JPX), Water-in-oil emulsion explosive composition.
  9. Hattori Katsuhide (Chita JPX) Fukatsu Yoshiaki (Chita JPX) Takahashi Masao (Chita JPX), Water-in-oil emulsion explosive composition.
  10. Hattori Katsuhide (Aichi JPX) Fukatsu Yoshiaki (Aichi JPX) Takahashi Masao (Aichi JPX), Water-in-oil emulsion explosive composition with imidazoline derivative emulsifier.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jessop, Harvey A., Cast emulsion explosive composition.
  2. Cox Bert D. (St. Joseph MO) Stamps Edmond T. (Garden City MO), Explosion effects enhancer for fireworks.
  3. Waldock Kevin H. (Mt Thorley AUX) Wasson Daniel A. (Singleton AUX), Explosive composition.
  4. Waldock, Kevin H., Explosive composition, method of making an explosive composition, and method of using an explosive composition.
  5. Forsberg John W. (Mentor-on-the-Lake OH) Mullay John J. (Hazleton PA) Sohara Joseph A. (Whitehall PA), Explosive compositions.
  6. Stigsson Lars L. (Lund SEX), Method of stabilizing emulsion explosives.
  7. Forsberg John W. (Mentor OH), Salt compositions for explosives.
  8. Cescon, Lawrence A.; Millet, Jr., Nolan J., Stable nitrate/emulsion explosives and emulsion for use therein.
  9. Growcock, Frederick; Curtis, G. Wray; Candler, John; Rabke, Stephen; Ross, Sonya; Getliff, Jonathan; McEwan, Greg, Vermiculture compositions.
  10. Inoue Atsuo (Asa JPX) Miyamoto Kazuhiro (Onoda JPX) Hisada Nobuo (Moriyama JPX) Okinaga Nobuyuki (Kyoto JPX), Water-in-oil type emulsion explosives.
  11. Bampfield Howard A. (Otterburn Park CAX), Water-in-wax emulsion blasting agents.

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