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[미국특허] Fuel tank for use in a low-gravity environment 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64G-001/00
출원번호 US-0443767 (1982-11-22)
우선권정보 DE-3146262 (1981-11-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Netter Gaston (Lilienthal DEX) Widjaja Injas (Stuhr DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Erno Raumfahrttechnik GmbH/MBB (Bremen DEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 2


The fuel tank as disclosed is provided particularly for storage of aggressive fuel as they are used for and in control jets, attitude positioning systems in satellite and space vehicles. The fuel tank is of a spherical configuration and partitioned by a conical insert to obtain two spaces of differe


Fuel tank for use in a satellite space vehicle or the like, i.e., for operation under low or zero gravity conditions and having a main vessel with a driving gas inlet and an opposite disposed fuel outlet, the improvement comprising: a frusto-conical insert partitioning the vessel into a larger chamb

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Frosch Robert A. Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; with respect to an invention of ( St. Louis MO) Hess Donald A. (St. Louis MO) Regnier William W. (Florissant MO) , Passive propellant system.
  2. Robert Michel (Montigny Le Bretonneux Trappes FRX), Surface tension storage tank.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Mango Frank, Anti-slosh liquid propellant tank for launch vehicles.
  2. Soeffker ; deceased Eduard (late of Berlin DEX) Soeffker ; heir by Klaus (Berlin DEX) Pattison ; nee Soeffker ; heir by Susanne (Achim DEX) Soeffker ; heir by Bettina (Achim DEX), Apparatus for storing propellant in a satellite.
  3. Behruzi, Kei Philipp; Haake, Dennis; Michaelis, Mark, Bubble trap for a fuel tank in a spacecraft.
  4. Malik Marvin J. (Bloomfield Hills MI), Capillary valve for hydraulic systems.
  5. Lacapere, Jerome; Butterworth, James, Cryogenic tank and space launcher including such a tank.
  6. Tuttle, Wayne H., Demisable fuel supply system.
  7. Tuttle, Wayne H.; Adams, David; Anaya, Marcial Alexander; Pearson, Jeffry K., Demisable fuel supply system.
  8. Behruzi,Kei P.; Michaelis,Mark; Netter,Gaston, Fuel tank for spacecraft.
  9. Schwarting, Walter; Goek, Sylvain, Fuel tank with separating membrane.
  10. Behruzi, Kei Philipp; Michaelis, Mark, Fuel tank with specialized tank outlet for spacecraft.
  11. Miller ; Jr. John A. (San Jose CA) Grove R. K. (Los Altos CA), Liquid-propellant management apparatus.
  12. Jaekle ; Jr. Don E. (1042 Candlewood Ave. Sunnyvale CA) Grove R. K. (484 Panchita Way Los Altos CA), Liquid-propellant management system for rockets and space vehicles.
  13. Apfel Steven L. (Manhattan Beach CA), Low pressure reaction control propulsion system for a spacecraft.
  14. Behruzi, Kei Philipp; Michaelis, Mark; Netter, Gaston; Rittweger, Andreas, Propellant tank for cryogenic liquids.
  15. Behruzi, Kei Philipp; Netter, Gaston, Tank with a gas extraction device for storing cryogenic liquid or fuel for spacecraft.
  16. Behruzi, Kei Philipp; Netter, Gaston, Tank with a gas supply and extraction device for storing cryogenic liquid or fuel for spacecraft.
  17. Collette, Daniel Ross, Vertical non-bladdered fuel tank for a ducted fan vehicle.
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