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[미국특허] Primary flat cell 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-006/46
출원번호 US-0539827 (1983-10-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Simonton Robert D. (1900 Hampton Rd. Fremont OH 43420)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 3


There is disclosed a primary cell for batteries having a sealed, flexible, non-conductive envelope for the active elements of a cell. A subassembly of a combination of the active elements comprises a pouch containing a fluid electrode mass and having a separator sheet included in one wall thereof ad


In a primary dry cell, a sealed flexible non-conductive plastic envelope, and an assembly of active cell elements within said envelope including a flexible pouch containing a fluid electrode mass, a first pouch wall including a flexible sheet of separator material which is absorbant to and retains l

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Tamminen Pentti Juuse (Otsolahdentie 6 02100 Tapiola SF), Alkaline flat cell battery.
  2. Bergum ; Bernard C. ; Fong ; Walter Lee, Battery having porous inherently sealable separator.
  3. McCartney Joseph F. (Solana Beach CA) Jones Thomas E. (Spring Valley CA) Johnson Leopold J. (Valley Center CA), Polymer packaged cell in a sack.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Pedicini Christopher S. ; Witzigreuter John D., Air-managing system for metal-air battery using resealable septum.
  2. Pedicini Christopher S. ; Witzigreuter John D., Air-managing system for metal-air battery using resealable septum.
  3. Tamminen Pentti J. (Kaskenkaatajantie 12D Espoo FIX), Alkaline cell battery and method for manufacture thereof.
  4. Tamminen Pentti J. (Kaskenkaatajantie 12 D Espoo FIX), Alkalline cell battery and method for manufacture thereof.
  5. Tucholski, Gary R., Battery cell construction.
  6. Gannon, John; Ream, Matt; Casadonte, Salvatore Joseph; Tucholski, Gary R., Body temperature logging patch.
  7. Gannon, John; Ream, Matt; Tucholski, Gary R., Body temperature logging patch.
  8. Tucholski, Gary R., Cell attachment method.
  9. Tucholski, Gary R., Electrical device-battery assembly and the method to make the same.
  10. Wessel Silvia A.,CAX ; Almond Katherine P.,CAX, Electrochemical batteries with restricted liquid electrolyte volume.
  11. Nitzan Zvi,ILX, Flexible thin layer open electrochemical cell.
  12. Nitzan,Zvi, Flexible thin layer open electrochemical cell.
  13. Tucholski, Gary R., High current thin electrochemical cell and methods of making the same.
  14. Tucholski, Gary R.; Allison, Leonard Blaine, Integrated electronic device and methods of making the same.
  15. Kmmel Karen (Lyngby DKX) Eiriksson Bjorn (Herfolge DKX), Method of manufacturing a terminal lead-through for a battery consisting of cells piled on each other.
  16. Tucholski, Gary R., Multi-cell battery.
  17. Tucholski, Gary R., RFID antenna-battery assembly and the method to make the same.
  18. Sato, Asako; Kuboki, Takashi; Yamada, Shuji; Hasebe, Hiroyuki; Takami, Norio; Ohsaki, Takahisa; Kanda, Motoya, Secondary battery.
  19. Gray, Gary Edward; Witzigreuter, John Douglas; Pedicini, Christopher Steven, Synthetic jet for admitting and expelling reactant air.
  20. Tucholski, Gary R., Thin printable electrochemical cell and methods of making the same.
  21. Tucholski, Gary R.; Russell, Ed T.; McComsey, Dennis W., Thin printable flexible electrochemical cell and method of making the same.

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