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[미국특허] Hair brush with cleaning feature 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A46B-017/06
출원번호 US-0613433 (1984-05-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Koke Eric J. (Pleasant View Dr.
  • Apt. 28-B Piscataway NJ)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 39  인용 특허 : 1


A hair brush having a foraminous guide plate with holes through which the bristles extend. The bristles have enlarged bulbous free ends, and the holes in the guide plate are larger than the stems of the bristles but smaller than the enlarged ends thereof, so that the guide plate can slide along the


A hair brush having a cleaning feature, comprising: a base having a multiplicity of parallel bristles extending from a bristle-holding surface thereof, each bristle having a generally cylindrical stem and an enlarged free end; a foraminous guide plate disposed adjacent said bristle-holding surface o

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Peilet Lester R. (6144 N. Talman Ave. Chicago IL), Retractable brushes.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (39) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lindsay, Jeffrey Dean; Jou Chen, Fung; Roessler, Thomas Harold; Ellingson, Daniel Lee; Reade, Walter Caswell, Activatable fastening system and web having elevated regions and functional material members.
  2. Lindsay,Jeffrey Dean; Jou Chen,Fung; Roessler,Thomas Harold; Ellingson,Daniel Lee; Reade,Walter Caswell, Activatable fastening system and web having elevated regions and functional material members.
  3. Altschuler, Deborah Z., Apparatus and method for pest diagnosis from hair and fur.
  4. James Joshua ; James Cherie, Apparatus for hair brush hair removal.
  5. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.
  6. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.
  7. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.
  8. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.
  9. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.
  10. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.
  11. Caristo Christina,CAX ; Caristo Rocco,CAX ITX H1E 3Z6, Cleanable hairbrush.
  12. McKay,William D., Cleaning apparatus with flexible connection between head and handle.
  13. Jou Chen, Fung; Lindsay, Jeffrey D., Cleaning tool for removing larger and smaller sized particles.
  14. Chou,Chuan, Cleaning-tissue comb.
  15. Tseng Mingchih M., Color changing matrix as wear indicator.
  16. Tseng,Mingchih M.; Philbrook,Carl M., Color changing matrix as wear indicator.
  17. Karlsson Haraldur, Grooming device and method of using.
  18. McKay,William D., Grooming tool.
  19. McKay,William D., Grooming tool.
  20. McKay,William D., Grooming tool.
  21. McKay,William D., Grooming/cleaning apparatus.
  22. McKay,William D., Grooming/cleaning apparatus.
  23. Koke,Eric John, Hair brush including hair removal means.
  24. Morrison Mark D. (666 W. End Ave. ; Apt. 19J New York NY 10025), Hair brush with attached cleaning feature.
  25. Pierre A. Joseph,CAX ITX M1B 2W5, Hairbrushes, combs, or the like having a cleaning plate.
  26. Haddad, Richard, Hygienic hair brush cover.
  27. McKay,William D., Lint removal apparatus with edge orientation.
  28. McKay,William D., Lint removal apparatus with edge orientation.
  29. McKay,William D., Liquid dispensing brush.
  30. McKay,William D., Motorized cleaning apparatus.
  31. Pinon Alain, Oval self-cleaning hair brush.
  32. Mark D. Morrison, Self cleaning brush.
  33. Morosin,Michael Keith; Morosin,Rose Chan; Helfenstein,David K., Self-cleanable hair brush.
  34. DiPippo, Joe J, Self-cleaning hair brush.
  35. DiPippo,Joe J, Self-cleaning hair brush.
  36. Norman Scott A., Self-cleaning hair brush.
  37. DiPippo, Joe, Self-cleaning hair brush with mirror.
  38. Tseng Mingchih M. ; Philbrook Carl M., Sustained-release matrices for dental application.
  39. Tseng Mingchih M. ; Philbrook Carl M., Sustained-release matrices for dental application.

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