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[미국특허] Pneumatic pesticide duster for treatment of structures 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B05B-005/08
  • B05B-007/14
출원번호 US-0464369 (1983-02-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Parker, Richard L.
  • Swords, Richard J.
  • Griffin, Larry E.
출원인 / 주소
  • Parker Pest Control
대리인 / 주소
    Hessin, Robert M.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 1


A pneumatic pesticide duster for use in the application of pesticide dusts in structures. The apparatus comprises a dust reservoir, compressed air source, manually operated control valve and metallic discharge tube having an opening ranging in size up to about 3/4 inch capable of imparting an electr


1. An improved method for treating structures with pesticide dust by placing said dust into pest harborages within said structures, the improvement comprising closely controlling the distribution of said dust within said harborages by imparting a friction induced electrostatic charge to said dust to

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Smith Colin P. (Johannesburg ZA), Method and apparatus for spraying agrochemicals.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Dvorak Tom Rudy, Apparatus for dispensing powdered and granulated materials.
  2. Renth Lawrence B. (4825 N.W. 75th St. Oklahoma City OK 73132), Apparatus for insecticide application.
  3. Williams, Kenneth E.; Williams, Kevin E., Automated pest control dust applicator device for remote applications.
  4. Condon Gregory C., Compressed air duster with rotatable agitator.
  5. Evans William E. (Jacksonville FL), Dry powder applicator.
  6. Sack, George E., Fire retardant discharge apparatus.
  7. Ariaz Dan (7575 Tamra Dr. Reno NV 89506), Flowable solid product applicator.
  8. Reece, Edwin V.; Abughazaleh, John; Sandefur, Michael J.; Mann, David P., Lock hopper mass flow arrangement.
  9. Dale Vilmer Kiplinger, Metering dispenser for powder and granules.
  10. Renth Lawrence B. (4825 NW. 75th St. Oklahoma City OK 73132), Method and apparatus for injection application of insecticide.
  11. Maeda Hiroshi (No. 26-2 ; Suberiiwahama ; Ookuwajima ; Muya-cho Naruto-shi ; Tokushima-ken JPX 772), Method of exterminating insects under the floor of a house or building.
  12. Howse Philip Edwin,GBX, Pest trap having an electrostatically charged surface.
  13. Gelain Silvano (St. Gall CHX), Powder coating apparatus.

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