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[미국특허] Lighting fixture 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F21V-029/00
출원번호 US-0667117 (1984-11-01)
우선권정보 FR-0017642 (1983-11-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hess Jean M. (Clermont Ferrand FRX) Prevostat Gabriel D. M. (Chateaugay FRX)
출원인 / 주소
  • ITT Industries, Inc. (New York NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 1


A light fixture is provided comprising a top elongated curved section and a matching bottom elongated curved section. The top section is fitted to the bottom section along their longitudinal edges and an elongated clip along the length of each edges holds the diffuser bottom section to the top refle


A light fixture comprising: an elongated, generally half-shell shaped body open on opposing ends and including two body flanges, one body flange along each one of a pair of opposing longitudinal edges of said body extending between said open ends, each said body flange including an outwardly extendi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Muhlethaler Richard V. (Park Ridge IL) Walls Richard J. (Geneva IL), Lighting fixture enclosure.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27)

  1. Bonazzi Romano,ITX, Ceiling light fixture with improved device for fixing the screen to the base.
  2. Legat,Jean Jacques; Girard,Didier, Ceiling light with an oblong light housing.
  3. Horner,Don; Brown,Steve, Clip for light fixture and a light fixture apparatus.
  4. Liedtke Heinz (Dortmund DEX) Ploeger Cornelius (Frndenberg-Frmern DEX) Grner Wilmut (Mudau DEX), Device for locking an optically transparent trough to a housing of an extended-field light.
  5. Tyson, Glenn M., Fluorescent lamp fixture.
  6. Waldmann Herbert (Bad Durrheim DEX), Lamp with protective tube.
  7. Hein,William A.; Avila,Henry M.; Sara,Peter C., Light fixture having a plurality of light reflecting fins.
  8. Hilton Ernie P., Light fixture with trim mounting clip.
  9. Burk Gary N. (Columbus OH) McCanney Thomas O. (Sunbury OH) Williams Paul (Columbus OH), Light guided illuminating/sectioning device for sheet inspection system.
  10. Bodell Steven W. ; Stafford Stephen M., Lighting fixture assembly sealed at opposite ends with dust covers.
  11. Walker Richard, Lighting system.
  12. Walker Richard (Urbana OH), Lighting system.
  13. Sieberth, Bernd; Patkus, Steven; Kinnune, Brian, Linear lighting device.
  14. Boissevain, Chris, Luminaire.
  15. Boissevain, Chris, Luminaire.
  16. Boissevain, Chris, Luminaire.
  17. Wu, Arthur Y.; Doerr, James A.; Garten, Michael D.; Rector, David; Broadbooks, Virginia L.; Kack, Dawn R., Multi-directional lighting fixture.
  18. Steele Charles (2615 Hauser Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90016), Neon tube electrode housing.
  19. Corcorran Sean M. ; Nahikian Angela R. M. ; Webster David M., On-site fabricated linear ambient lighting system.
  20. Corcorran Sean M. ; Nahikian Angela R.M. ; Webster David M., On-site fabricated linear ambient lighting system.
  21. Szymanek Donald D. (Westlake CA), Quick fit diffuser lens apparatus.
  22. Chung, Casey; Cody, Jill; Stolte, Brandon; Pena, Marcelino; Thornton, Michael, Recessed sealed lighting fixture.
  23. Chung, Casey; Cody, Jill; Stolte, Brandon; Pena, Marcelino; Thornton, Michael, Recessed sealed lighting fixture.
  24. O'Keefe Donald L., Sealed lighting unit for clean-rooms and the like.
  25. Black, John; Tracy, Keith, Systems and methods for sealing a lighting fixture.
  26. Clements, Russ; Jacobs, Rodney; Cape, Danny, Systems, methods and devices for a turret-type socket for a fluorescent light fixture.
  27. Mackiewicz Edward T. (Elmwood Park IL), Water-proof and impact-resistant lighting fixture.
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