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[미국특허] Corrosion protection for mooring and riser elements of a tension leg platform 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E02B-017/00
  • C23F-013/00
출원번호 US-0606023 (1984-05-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Salama Mamdouh M. (Ponca City OK) Myers Roderick J. (Esher OK GBX) Thomason William H. (Ponca City OK) Joosten Michael H. (Ponca City OK)
출원인 / 주소
  • Conoco Inc. (Ponca City OK 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 9


A flame sprayed aluminum coating of high strength steel components offers excellent seawater corrosion protection, increased fatigue life and uniform low level cathodic protection that avoids hydrogen embrittlement. Marine mooring and riser elements fabricated from such components are superior in th


In a tension leg platform for marine drilling and production of subsea hydrocarbons wherein substantially vertical high strength steel tubular elements are continuously submerged in sea water and constantly maintained in tension between subsea anchoring means and a floating platform by excess buoyan

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Harrington John H. (Warwick NY) Rangaswamy Subramaniam (Port Jefferson Station NY), Aluminum and cobalt coated thermal spray powder.
  2. Lukin Evgeny G. (ulitsa Dzhandosova ; 69 ; kv. 123 Alma-Ata SUX) Dunaev Jury D. (ulitsa Bagrationa ; 15 ; kv. 2 Alma-Ata SUX) Kozin Leonid F. (Sovetskaya ulitsa ; 64 ; kv. 5 Alma-Ata SUX) Sarmurzina , Aluminum-base alloy used as material for galvanic protector.
  3. Sabins ; Rolland C., Anode system for the cathodic protection of off shore structures.
  4. Nandlal Samlal (Slidell LA) McGuire David P. (Gretna LA), Method and apparatus for installing anodes on steel platforms at offshore locations.
  5. Asano Hiroshi (Ichikawa JPX) Shimamune Takayuki (Ichihara JPX) Goto Toshiki (Ichihara JPX) Nitta Hideo (Ichihara JPX) Hosonuma Masashi (Ichihara JPX), Method for forming an anticorrosive coating on a metal substrate.
  6. Smythe John W. (Birmingham MI), Method of forming corrosion resistant coating.
  7. Bourne ; Jr. Henry A. (Ponca City OK) Salama Mamdouh (Ponca City OK), Mooring system for tension leg platform.
  8. Engel Robert F. (Kingwood TX) Long Thomas E. (Houston TX) Warrington Ralph M. (Humble TX), Offshore platform free of marine growth and method of reducing platform loading and overturn.
  9. Apostolos John A. (Sacramento CA), Process for inhibiting corrosion of metal embedded in concrete and a reinforced concrete construction.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hoyt, Douglas S.; Weir, Michael S.; Kan, Wan C., Apparatus and methods of improving riser weld fatigue.
  2. Benedict Risque L. (1528 Tioga Trail Fallbrook CA 92028), Cathodic protection of critical offshore marine structure critical components by making the critical component noble (pa.
  3. Murali Jagannathan (Houston TX) Buck Erwin (Ponca City OK), Method for applying protective coatings.
  4. Knepper Michael,DEX ; Spriestersbach Jochen,DEX ; Wisniewski Juergen,DEX, Method for improving the corrosion resistance of reinforced concrete.
  5. Watanabe, Kunio; Takeya, Shozo, Sacrificial anode for cathodic protection and alloy therefor.

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