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[미국특허] Extrusion head for producing flat profiles from rubber or plastics material 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B29C-047/30
출원번호 US-0867547 (1986-05-28)
우선권정보 DE-3521643 (1985-06-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Capelle Gerd (Langenhagen DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Hermann Berstorff Maschinenbau GmbH (Hanover DEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 5


An extrusion head is provided for extruding flat profiles for producing tread strip portions of vehicle tires from mixtures of rubber or plastics materials, which permits one of the constituents such as the tread strip mixture to be changed without adversely affecting the other constituent parts of


An extrusion head for extruding a flat profile for forming the tread strip portion of a vehicle tyre from different mixtures of materials selected from rubber and plastics materials, said tread strip portion comprising a tread strip, lateral strip portions disposed laterally of said tread strip and

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kline John W. (Uniontown OH) Ward Donald W. (Silver Lake OH), Apparatus for forming a co-extrusion from extruded strips.
  2. Sievers, Willi; Schluter, Hartwig; de Vries, Gerhard, Extruder head for producing flat cohesive profiled webs from resilient mixtures of differing composition.
  3. Ruger Wolfgand (Hohenbuchen u. Alfeld DEX), Extruderhead.
  4. Herbert, Adolf; Anders, Dietmar; Meier, Gunter, Extrusion head.
  5. Ohki Masahiko (Toyota JPX), Multi-extrusion die assembly for thermoplastic materials.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Shimada, Go, Apparatus for extruding unvulcanized rubber.
  2. Benatti, Vincenzo, Apparatus for manufacturing tread bands for vehicle tires.
  3. Tomic Mladomir (Appleton WI) DiPietro David (Appleton WI), Apparatus using removable profile wedges for manufacture of reclosable bag.
  4. Clausse, Damien Ghislain; Kerger, Marc Jean; Pirrotte, Kim Clement Nicolas; Renard, Philippe Nicolas Joseph, Assembly and a method for extruding a tire component.
  5. Clausse, Damien Ghislain; Kerger, Marc Jean; Pirrotte, Kim Clement Nicolas; Renard, Philippe Nicolas Joseph, Assembly and a method for extruding a tire component.
  6. Derezinski Stephen J. (Penfield NY), Criss-cross hopper including non-contacting inserts.
  7. Ohki Masahiko,JPX ; Yamamori Shuichi,JPX, Elastomeric extruding apparatus.
  8. Burg, Gary Robert; Deren, Steven John; Vargo, Richard David, Extrudate shrinkage control and reduction.
  9. Schnabel, Astrid, Extruding device.
  10. Hoffmann, Wieland, Extrusion head as well as an extrusion device fitted with such an extrusion head.
  11. Shimada,Go, Method for extruding unvulcanized rubber.
  12. Vincenzo Benatti IT, Method for manufacturing tread bands for vehicle tires.
  13. Bellmer Klaus (Ronnenberg DEX), Preparatory station for facilitating the interchange of pre-forming bar assemblies in an extrusion head.
  14. Nakamura Yoshinori,JPX, Production of unvulcanized tread rubber for pneumatic tires.
  15. LaBossiere, Joseph E.; Dunn, Benjamin N.; McDonough, Thomas J.; Eshelman, Marvin E., Single-motor extrusion head having multiple extrusion lines.
  16. Helle, Donald Edward; Looman, Jr., Ernest Wilford, Tire tread die.

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