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Thermal cell non-deflagration design 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-006/36
출원번호 US-0537216 (1983-09-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • McManis
  • III George E. (Ridgecrest CA) Miles Melvin H. (Ridgecrest CA) Fletcher Aaron N. (Ridgecrest CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy (Washington DC 06)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 5


A thermal battery cell with a fiberglass wrapping and facial pressure as a means for wetting the calcium anode to prevent deflagration or flashing using either a homogeneous LiClO4 and AgNO3 electrolyte or a non-homogeneous electrolyte arrangement of LiCl, LiNO3 and AgNO3.


An electrochemical cell comprising: a calcium anode; a cathode; an electrolyte mixture comprising LiClO4 and AgNO3; and means for wetting the edges of said anode with said electrolyte.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Fletcher Aaron N. (Ridgecrest CA), High energy density thermal cell.
  2. Fletcher Aaron N. (Ridgecrest CA) Stanifer Charles D. (Hesperia CA) Bliss Dan E. (Ridgecrest CA), Non-flashing electrolyte for use with calcium anode.
  3. Miles Melvin H. (Ridgecrest CA) Fletcher Aaron N. (Ridgecrest CA) Fine Dwight A. (Ridgecrest CA), Protected calcium anode.
  4. Miles Melvin H. (Ridgecrest CA) Fletcher Aaron N. (Ridgecrest CA), Thermal battery cells utilizing AgNO3 in LiClO4-LiNO3 mixtures.
  5. Miles Melvin H. (Ridgecrest CA) Fletcher Aaron N. (Ridgecrest CA), Thermal battery cells utilizing molten nitrates as the electrolyte and oxidizer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21)

  1. Takeuchi Esther S. ; Leising Randolph A. ; Gan Hong, Alkali metal electrochemical cell having an improved cathode activated with a nonaqueous electrolyte having a carbonate additive.
  2. Hanson Eric J. ; Kooyer Richard L., Apparatus and method for treating a cathode material provided on a thin-film substrate.
  3. Hanson, Eric J.; Kooyer, Richard L., Apparatus and method for treating a cathode material provided on a thin-film substrate.
  4. Miles, Melvin H., Chloride-free thermal batteries using molten nitrate electrolytes.
  5. Miles, Melvin H.; Grumet, Adam A.; Solomon, Kurt W., Chloride-free, sodium ion-free, and water-free thermal batteries using molten nitrate electrolytes.
  6. Gan, Hong; Takeuchi, Esther S., Electrochemical cell having an electrode with a nitrate additive in the electrode active mixture.
  7. Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Hagen Ronald A. ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Morin Andre,CAX ; Ross Guy,CAX, Equalizer system and method for series connected energy storing devices.
  8. Hagen Ronald A. ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Rosenthal Brian ; Rouillard Jean,CAX, In-situ fault detection apparatus and method for an encased energy storing device.
  9. Gauthier Michel,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Shiota Toshimi,CAX ; , In-situ short circuit protection system and method for high-energy electrochemical cells.
  10. Gauthier, Michel; Domroese, Michael K.; Hoffman, Joseph A.; Lindeman, David D.; Noel, Joseph-Robert-Gaetan; Radewald, Vern E.; Rouillard, Jean; Rouillard, Roger; Shiota, Toshimi; Trice, Jennifer L., In-situ short-circuit protection system and method for high-energy electrochemical cells.
  11. Gan Hong ; Takuchi Esther S., Inorganic and organic nitrate additives for nonaqueous electrolyte in alkali metal electrochemical cells.
  12. Rouillard, Roger; Domroese, Michael K.; Hoffman, Joseph A.; Lindeman, David D.; Noel, Joseph-Robert-Gaetan; Radewald, Vern E.; Ranger, Michel; Sudano, Anthony; Trice, Jennifer L.; Turgeon, Thomas A., Method for transferring thermal energy and electrical current in thin-film electrochemical cells.
  13. Gan Hong ; Takeuchi Esther S., Nitrate additives for nonaqueous electrolyte rechargeable cells.
  14. Miles, Melvin H., Rechargeable lithium-air and other lithium-based batteries using molten nitrates.
  15. Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Ranger Michel,CAX ; Sudano Anthony,CAX ; Trice Jennifer L. ; Tur, Rechargeable thin-film electrochemical generator.
  16. Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Daigle Dominik,CAX ; Hagen Ronald A. ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Morin Andre,CAX ; Ranger Michel,CAX ; Ross Guy,CAX ; Rouillard Roger,CAX ; St-Germain Philippe,CA, Solid-state energy storage module employing integrated interconnect board.
  17. Rouillard, Jean; Comte, Christophe; Daigle, Dominik; Hagen, Ronald A.; Knudson, Orlin B.; Morin, André; Ranger, Michel; Ross, Guy; Rouillard, Roger; St-Germain, Philippe; Sudano, Anthony; Turgeo, Solid-state energy storage module employing integrated interconnect board.
  18. Rouillard, Jean; Comte, Christophe; Daigle, Dominik; Hagen, Ronald A.; Knudson, Orlin B.; Morin, Andre; Ranger, Michel; Ross, Guy; Rouillard, Roger; St-Germain, Philippe; Sudano, Anthony; Turgeon, Th, Solid-state energy storage module employing integrated interconnect board.
  19. Magnussen ; Jr. Haakon T. (Orinda CA) Moeller Roy P. (Hayward CA) Palmer Phillip S. (Oakland CA) Smith Gary L. (Walnut Creek CA), System and method for depassivating a passivated lithium battery in a battery powered microprocessor controlled device.
  20. Hoffman Joseph A. ; Domroese Michael K. ; Lindeman David D. ; Radewald Vern E. ; Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Trice Jennifer L., Thermal conductor for high-energy electrochemical cells.
  21. Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Gauthier Michel,CAX ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Ranger Michel,CAX ; Rouillard Jean,CAX ; S, Thermal management system and method for a solid-state energy storing device.
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