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[미국특허] Magnetic fluid conditioner 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F15C-001/04
출원번호 US-0942003 (1986-12-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Weisenbarger Gale M. (140 Woodland Dr. Eaton OH 45320) Moran John C. (3124 Lake Ave. Fort Wayne IN 46805)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 32  인용 특허 : 5


A magnetic fluid conditioner for abating the adherence of precipitates in conduits transmitting a variety of fluids and/or gases which contain unwanted compounds which will precipitate and adhere to the inner walls of the conduits. The magnetic fluid conditioner includes a metallic flux path for inc


A magnetic fluid conditioner for acting on a fluid being transmitted through a conduit, said fluid conditioner comprising: (a) a housing having an open top side and a closed bottom side and closed ends, the closed ends each having an aperture therethrough in co-axial alignment; (b) an elongated cond

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kulish Peter A. (175 West 6th St. Red Hill PA 18076), Apparatus for magnetic treatment of liquids.
  2. Fujita Etuo (No. 2-15-17 Jiyugaoka ; Meguro-ku ; Tokyo JPX 152), Fuel combustion and magnetizing apparatus used therefor.
  3. Reed Morgan P. (700 South Eastern Rayne LA 70578), Fuel heater.
  4. Zimmerman George M. (San Gabriel CA), Magnetic fluid treating unit.
  5. Menold Herman E. (Santa Fe Springs CA), Water treating apparatus and methods.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (32) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lenhardt, Theodore F., Apparatus for reconfiguring spray equipment, and method.
  2. Hertzog Arthur A. (Whitehall PA), Clamp-on magnetic water treatment device.
  3. Kobayashi, Teruo, Device for magnetically modifying fluid.
  4. Kita Ronald J. ; Kulish Peter A., Electromagnetic device for the magnetic treatment of fuel.
  5. White, John W., Fluid conditioning system and method.
  6. White,John W., Fluid conditioning system and method.
  7. Melendrez Julian B. (421 NW. 76th St. Vancouver WA 98665), Fuel conditioning system for internal combustion engines.
  8. Zorita D. Gonzalo G. (Ronda de Santa Maria ; n02 -28880 Meco (Madrid) ESX), Fuel economizers, applicable to gas-oil and gasoline engines and burners.
  9. Jernigan Carl L. ; Jernigan Timothy H. ; Wood ; Sr. Thomas G., In-line fuel treatment device.
  10. Kulesza, Roman, Ionization by magnetic induction for natural gas.
  11. Hosoda, Yuzo; Sugiyama, Waichi, Liquid fuel reformer.
  12. Weisenbarger Gale M. (140 Woodland Dr. Eaton OH 45320) Moran John C. (3124 Lake Ave. Fort Wayne IN 46805), Magnetic fluid conditioner.
  13. Adam LaVern L. (Cherokee Village AR) Adam Harley J. (Cherokee Village AR) Adam Jimmy D. (Cherokee Village AR) Miller Mark A. (Agnos AR), Magnetic fluid treatment.
  14. Cox Virgil G., Magnetic fluid treatment apparatus for internal combustion engine and method thereof.
  15. Cronk John E., Magnetic fuel stabilizer.
  16. Witz, John T.; Ditzig, Albert F., Magnetic fuel treatment apparatus for attachment to a fuel line.
  17. Li May K. (Framingham MA) Kessler Jack (Ashland MA) Bach David T. (Westborough MA), Magnetic separation device and methods for use in heterogeneous assays.
  18. Clair Colonel (P.O. Box 94321 Las Vegas NV 89199), Magnetic source and condenser for producing flux perpendicular to gas and liquid flow in ferrous and nonferrous pipes.
  19. McGrath Thomas M. (Miami FL) Tilles Arno W. (Hollywood FL), Magnetic treatment of fluids.
  20. Patterson A. Steven, Magnetic water conditioner.
  21. White, John W., Magnetic water conditioner.
  22. Liao Chun-yao,TWX, Magnetized device for an automobile fueling system.
  23. Harcourt Gregory A. (RR#1 Northbrook ; Ontario CAX K0H 2G0 ) Harcourt David L. (RR#1 Cloyne ; Ontario CAX K0H lK0 ), Method and apparatus for magnetically treating a fluid.
  24. Bosarge, John Francis; Maljkovic, Nikica, Method for producing subsonic ammunition casing.
  25. Hale, John T., Method, apparatus, and magnet for magnetically treating fluids.
  26. Maljkovic, Nikica, Neck polymeric ammunition casing geometry.
  27. Clair Colonel (P.O. Box 94321 Las Vegas NV 89119), Pipe protector/fluid ionizer employing magnetic condenser for producing concentrated force lines perpendicular to fluid.
  28. Maljkovic, Nikica; Bosarge, Jr., John Francis; Gibbons, Jr., Joe Paul, Polymeric ammunition casing geometry.
  29. Stevens Jeffrey G. (413 209th Ave. ; N. E. Redmond WA 98053), Simplified apparatus for intensified magnetic treatment of liquids.
  30. Maljkovic, Nikica; Gibbons, Joe Paul; Bosarge, John Francis, Subsonic ammunition casing.
  31. Maljkovic, Nikica; Gibbons, Jr., Joe Paul; Bosarge, Jr., John Francis, Subsonic ammunition casing.
  32. Schoepe Adolf, Water treatment system.

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