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Side member support 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62D-025/20
출원번호 US-0848059 (1986-04-04)
우선권정보 DE-3512213 (1985-04-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hurten Oskar (Cologne DEX) Vogt Hans (Overath DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Ford Motor Company (Dearborn MI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 3


A side member support is provided for the front part of a self-supporting motor vehicle bodywork of the type having a floor panel comprising a tunnel. On each side of the front part of the vehicle, front side members which are formed from side member panels and have a box-type section and which are


Improved front side members for the front part of a self-supporting motor vehicle bodywork of the type in which the bodywork includes a floor panel having a tunnel and front side members positioned on opposite lateral sides of the tunnel and extending longitudinally of the vehicle inboard of sill me

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Schwuchow Norbert (Sindelfingen DEX) Grantz Helmut (Sindelfingen DEX) Hutai Hubert (Grafenau DEX) Rothacker Dietrich (Sindelfingen DEX) Burk Gerhard (Magstadt DEX) Mordau Manfred (Sindelfingen DEX), Forward longitudinal bearer supported at the end wall of a self-supporting motor vehicle body.
  2. Bauer Wilhelm (Sindelfingen DEX) Heinrich Kurt (Sindelfingen DEX) Klie Wolfgang (Korntal DEX) Rau Wolfgang (Renningen DEX) Trost Werner (Raidwangen DEX), Forward longitudinal bearer supported at the vehicle end wall of a self-supporting motor vehicle body.
  3. Jacob Friedrich (Steimke DT) Morsch Dieter (Braunschweig DT), Frame.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Masuda Toshio,JPX, Automobile frontbody structure.
  2. Fujita,Mitsuo, Floor panel for an automobile.
  3. Mochizuki, Shinei, Floor structure in vehicle body rear part.
  4. Imura Yutaka (Hiroshima JPX), Front body construction of a vehicle.
  5. Sakamoto Sunao,JPX ; Fukushima Keiichi,JPX, Front portion structure of an automobile vehicle body.
  6. Mori Takeo,JPX ; Kitajima Toshiki,JPX, Front structure of car body, and method of absorbing impact by means of the front structure.
  7. Kim, Heeju; Cha, Mun Soo, Front vehicle body structure.
  8. Braemig Falk-Hagen,DEX ; Epple Guenther,DEX ; Harloff Bernd,DEX ; Zimmermann Rolf,DEX, Protective arrangement on a wheel housing of a motor vehicle shell.
  9. Kenmochi Toshihisa (Wako JPX) Suzuki Hiroshi (Wako JPX) Watanabe Haruo (Wako JPX), Under frame of a motor vehicle.
  10. Kenmochi Toshihisa (Wako JPX) Nakamura Tatsunori (Wako JPX), Underbody structure of a motor vehicle.
  11. Mildner, Udo; Teske, Lothar, Vehicle chassis structure.
  12. DeRees Delbert D. (Romeo MI), Vehicle frame rail assembly and underbody construction.
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