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[미국특허] Demolition and compaction track shoe and assembly for crawler vehicle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62D-055/24
출원번호 US-0887156 (1986-07-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Caron James O. (Modesto CA) Pratt Kenneth H. (Modesto CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Caron Compactor Company (Modesto CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 0


A demolition and compaction track shoe and assembly for a crawler vehicle track includes a central opening and diagonally oriented demolition blades protruding sufficiently outwardly to be primarily useful in demolishing large rocks, home appliances, and similar materials of a type generally encount


In a crawler vehicle for use in compacting a fill of earth and debris, the vehicle being of a type supported by spaced parallel endless tracks in which the tracks include a plurality of articulated links coupled in tandem and track shoes readily releasably coupled to and supported by said links, sai

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19)

  1. Runestad,Christopher M., Cleaner finger assembly and mounting for same.
  2. Alan T. Schafle, Compaction wheel for landfill compactors.
  3. Kaldenberg James ; Pratt Kenneth H., Compaction wheel having replaceable cleats.
  4. Freeman,Ernie, Compactor cleat for land vehicles.
  5. Caron James O. (Modesto CA) Pratt Kenneth H. (Modesto CA), Demolition and compaction track shoe and assembly for crawler vehicle.
  6. Meier, Matthias; Bartsch, Reiner, Earth working roller.
  7. McPhail, James D.; Hinrichsen, Michael Hans; Schoepke, Randy E., Land fill compactor wheel tip assembly.
  8. McPhail, James D.; Hinrichsen, Michael Hans; Schoepke, Randy E., Paddle style land fill compactor wheel tip.
  9. Ward, Keith; Carr, Charles Stephen, Soil conditioning device.
  10. Ward,Keith, Soil conditioning device.
  11. Jost, Britta A.; Garnett, Stephen; Nebergall, Kenneth, Sweeping track shoe for a track-type machine.
  12. Nebergall, Kenneth; Garnett, Stephen; Jost, Britta A.; Johannsen, Eric J., Sweeping track shoe for undercarriage system in a track-type machine.
  13. Freeman, Ernie, Track pad.
  14. Wennerborn, Jeffrey David, Track plate for a track of a tracked vehicle.
  15. Caron, James O.; Williams, David E., Track-shoe.
  16. Caron, James O.; Williams, David E., Track-shoe.
  17. Nebergall, Kenneth; Garnett, Stephen; Jost, Britta A., Track-type machine having undercarriage system with sweeping track shoe.
  18. McCartney, Neil, Vehicle wheel tooth.
  19. Neil McCartney GB, Vehicle wheel tooth.

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