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[미국특허] One piece plastic garment clamp having live hinge toggle joint 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E05D-007/00
출원번호 US-0048243 (1987-05-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rooz William B. (1060 Carolan Burlingame CA 94010)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 31  인용 특허 : 0


A one piece plastic clamp has a generally U-shaped outer structure including two outside legs and a thinned and downwardly curved upper bridging region from which the legs integrally depend. The clamp further includes a live hinge toggle joint for spanning the upper outside ends of the legs. The tog


A one piece plastic clamp having a generally U-shaped outer structure including two outside legs and a thinned and downwardly curved upper bridging region from which the legs integrally depend, the clamp further including: live hinge toggle joint means for spanning the upper outside ends of the legs

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (31)

  1. Andersen,Todd D; Cameron,Robert M, Adjustable clip assembly.
  2. White Robert W. (Franklin Lakes NJ) Haas David J. (Suffern NY), Badge clip.
  3. Goffman, Daniel L., Clamp.
  4. Chen Tsung-Jen,TWX, Clamp device.
  5. Cohen Robert (310 E. 46th St. New York NY 10017) Charak Betty J. (343 E. 30th St. New York NY 10016), Clamp mechanism.
  6. Howard Fred, Clip.
  7. Sugita, Haruo; Sugita, Kiyoshi, Clip and hanger with the same.
  8. Allahverdian, Edward, Clip for hanging a necktie.
  9. Cofer, Carol, Clip having a sheath for holding tubing or cords.
  10. Kneifel, Bernhard; Körber, Rainer; Herrmann, Günter; Brhel, Klaus-Peter; Notheis, Ekaterina; Ries, Wolfgang, Device and method for applying a medical lockable clip in a tissue area.
  11. Jo Alejandro,GTX, Double clip with self-adjusting jaw.
  12. Louw,Henry, Elongated pinch-grip hanger.
  13. Peterman, Marc, Expandable spinal implant having interlocking geometry for structural support.
  14. Peterman, Marc, Expandable spinal implant having interlocking geometry for structural support.
  15. Louw,Henry John, Garment hanger end-clip having a stop member and method of manufacture.
  16. Sutton,Steven, Garment hanger with pivoting jaw ends.
  17. Scavone, Sheena, Hair clip for increasing hair volume and curl lift.
  18. Louw, Henry John, Hanger.
  19. Wenzler, Michael James, Hanging device.
  20. Wenzler, Michael James, Hanging device.
  21. Wenzler,Michael James, Hanging device.
  22. Kawai, Saki, Mannequin.
  23. Takano, Mariko; Itou, Midori; Kawai, Saki, Mannequin.
  24. Schmidt, Philip; Monahan, Dan; Labarbera, Brad; Whiting, Paul; Morris, Steven; Castro, Salvatore; Ramsey, Michael; Willett, Lynn, Narrow profile surgical ligation clip.
  25. Louw, Henry, Pinch-grip hanger.
  26. Anscher Joseph ; Fraze Gary, Refreshment tube retaining device.
  27. Meyers Jonathan, Resilient clip.
  28. McCoy, Catherine Mae; McCoy, Richard Thomas; Watford, Donna C., Retractable quilt clamp apparatus.
  29. Zuckerman Andrew M., Secure pinch-grip hanger.
  30. Zuckerman Andrew M., Secure pinch-grip hanger.
  31. Baumdicker David ; Baumdicker Susan E., Tether clip and method of securing the same.
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