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[미국특허] Thermally insulated food bag 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-033/02
  • B65D-033/14
  • B65D-033/24
  • B65D-081/38
출원번호 US-0794464 (1985-11-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Skamser Ingrid (Des Plaines IL)
출원인 / 주소
  • Thermal Bags by Ingrid, Inc. (Elk Grove Village IL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 42  인용 특허 : 9


A carrying case is disclosed which is in the nature of a soft-sided bag formed of thermally insulating flexible sheet material. A frame inside the bag holds it open for insertion of cardboard cartons each adapted to contain a hot pizza. At the opening of the bag are a plurality of flaps which fold o


A soft bag made of a thermally insulated deformable material and comprising: at least one opening on one side of said bag; a plurality of straps attached to said bag in an x-like pattern for carrying said bag; a plurality of flaps extending from said bag and sequentially coupling each other for seal

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9)

  1. Howard ; Langhorne M., Bag construction.
  2. Almosnino Emanuel (186 Ives St. Providence RI 02906) Almosnino Susan Draisin (186 Ives St. Providence RI 02906), Child carrier.
  3. Nye Gary G. (1057 N. Old Manor Wichita KS 67208), Insulated container.
  4. Campbell June H. (P.O. Box 4162 Foster City CA 94404), Insulated lunch bag.
  5. Sutton Bernard (Bldg. No. 10 ; Glenn Hollis Cir. Decatur GA 30034), Pizza carrier.
  6. Skovgaard Leif O. (Jaegumvej 4 ; Vrogum DK-6840 Oksbol DKX), Thermal insulating and cushioned bag, especially a carrying bag.
  7. Skamser Ingrid (Hoffman Estates IL), Thermally insulated food bag.
  8. Murphy Jeannie P. (2330 Good Hope Rd. SE. ; Apt. 904 Washington DC 20020), Thin wallet carrying case for a sanitary napkin or tampon.
  9. Daniello Margaret M. (3 Deerfield Dr. West Orange NJ 07052), Unitary article-carrying bag and cushion.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (42)

  1. Hancock, Dennis H.; Hancock, Jeffery D., All terrain vehicle sloped bag with protected zippers.
  2. Byron C. Owens ; Mark E. Van Hoy ; William M. Bostic, Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  3. Owens, Byron C.; Van Hoy, Mark E.; Bostic, William M., Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  4. Owens, Byron C.; Van Hoy, Mark E.; Bostic, William M., Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  5. Owens, Byron C; Van Hoy, Mark E.; Bostic, William M, Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  6. Owens,Byron C.; Van Hoy,Mark E.; Bostic,William M., Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  7. William M. Bostic ; Byron Owens, Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  8. William M. Bostic ; Byron Owens, Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  9. Pattison, Mary E.; McNaught, III, Wade A., Casserole carrier.
  10. Vander Boegh, Todd M.; Post, Kerwin, Collapsible cooler for game.
  11. Jason Bober, Compact tote for protective storage of convertible top boot.
  12. Vick, George D., Cushion personal flotation device saver.
  13. Bostic William M., Food delivery container.
  14. Aghassipour Xerxes K. (1085 Commonwealth Ave. #187 Boston MA 02215-1023), Insulated bag for beer keg.
  15. Pruchnicki, Renia, Insulated bag with lifting apparatus.
  16. Pruchnicki, Renia; Mogil, Melvin S., Insulated bag with lifting apparatus.
  17. Rubin,Richard, Insulated food container.
  18. Hoberman,Barry; Miller,Jacqueline N., Laptop computer carrying case.
  19. Tan, Hin Siang Michael, Multi-orientation, reusable carrier assembly.
  20. Kathleen Gay Peeples ; Joseph F. Fiore, Multistack pizza bag.
  21. Urman,Craig A.; Reall,Martin, Package for horizontal transport.
  22. Fath, Scott; Sousa, Ryan J.; Rinehart, Steven R., Packaging sleeve.
  23. Matsumoto, Makoto; Takahashi, Makoto; Niwa, Susumu; Koyanagi, Tadayuki, Packing container.
  24. Mullen, Wilveria R., Pan porter.
  25. Sela, David, Pizza bag.
  26. Cooper ; Jr. A. B., Pizza container.
  27. Martinez Raul (70 Pitt St. ; Apt. 7E New York NY 10002), Pizza delivery container with tilt alarm.
  28. Mullen, Wilveria R., Pot porter.
  29. Thomas Paul E. ; Francis Michael A., Protective assemblies.
  30. Volles Jacqueline G., Reversible pouch for carrying food containers.
  31. Muffett Dorothy J. ; Bald John F. ; Miller Michael H., Soft-sided insulated container.
  32. Anderson Brian,AUX, Thermal insulating container.
  33. Hyatt Gary F., Thermal retention device.
  34. Hyatt Gary F., Thermal retention device with outer covering receiving a warmer and food to be heated.
  35. Hyatt Gary F., Thermal retention-device.
  36. Hyatt Gary F., Thermal retention-device.
  37. Baldwin Wayne D. ; Abe Fujio, Thermal storage and transport.
  38. Baldwin, Wayne D.; Abe, Fujio, Thermal storage and transport.
  39. Scott, Emmon; Becker, Julie A.; Hoffman, Sharon A.; Hofstetter, Michael R., Thermally insulated food container.
  40. Vick, George D., Vest personal flotation device saver.
  41. Owens Byron C. ; Bostic William M. ; Mericle Robert, Wrap heater and method for heating food product.
  42. Owens Byron C. ; Bostic William M. ; Mericle Robert, Wrap heater and method for heating food product.

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