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[미국특허] Catalyst for purifying exhaust gases 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01J-023/02
  • B01J-023/10
  • B01J-023/38
출원번호 US-0082533 (1987-08-07)
우선권정보 JP-0218765 (1986-09-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Takada Toshihiro (Toyota JPX) Matsumoto Shinichi (Aichi JPX) Miyoshi Naoto (Nagoya JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha (03JPX)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 37  인용 특허 : 1


A catalyst for purifying exhaust gases contains: a catalyst support, a perovskite double oxide comprising at least one alkaline earth metal oxide, lathanum oxide and cerium oxide, carried on the catalyst support, and noble metal catalyst components carried on the catalyst support. The catalyst for p


A catalyst for purifying exhaust gases containing: a catalyst support; a pervoskite double oxide consisting essentially of lanthanum oxide, cerium oxide and at least one alkaline earth metal oxide, said perovskite double oxide being carried on the surface of said catalyst support; and a noble metal

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Evans William D. J. (Newton GB2) Larbey Robert J. (Bassingbourn GB2) Stewart Thomas I. (Melbourn GB2), Catalysts.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (37) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Maunula, Teuvo, Adsorbent catalyst.
  2. Satoh Naohiro,JPX ; Terada Kazuhide,JPX ; Narishige Takeshi,JPX ; Fujisawa Yoshikazu,JPX, Adsorbent for nitrogen oxides and exhaust emission control catalyst.
  3. Park Sang Un (Taejun KRX) Lee Sang Ho (Taejun KRX) Kim Kyung Mi (Taejun KRX) Jang Jong San (Taejun KRX) Lee Jong Hae (Seoul KRX), Amorphous perovskite catalysts for nitrogen oxide reduction and methods of preparing the same.
  4. Tanaka, Hirohisa; Tan, Isao; Uenishi, Mari; Taniguchi, Masashi; Kimura, Mareo; Matsueda, Satoshi; Hirai, Akimasa; Narita, Keiichi, Catalyst.
  5. Hartweg Martin,DEX ; Seibold Andrea,DEX ; Walz Leonhard,DEX ; Fetzer Thomas,DEX ; Morsbach Bernd,DEX, Catalyst and a method for its production and use of same.
  6. Ziebarth Michael Scott ; Libanati Cristian ; Uberoi Mohit, Catalyst and method for oxidizing oxygen-containing organic compounds in waste gas.
  7. Ziebarth Michael S. ; Libanati Cristian ; Uberoi Mohit, Catalyst for oxidizing oxygen-containing organic compounds in waste gas.
  8. Suzuki, Tadashi; Kato, Satoru; Takahashi, Naoki; Kanazawa, Takaaki; Yamato, Masanori; Yoshimoto, Kazuhiro; Takeuchi, Michihiko; Matsuhisa, Yuuji, Catalyst for purification of exhaust gas, and apparatus and method for purification of exhaust gas using the catalyst.
  9. Muraki Hideaki,JPX ; Saiki Motohisa,JPX ; Adachi Mariko,JPX ; Matsumoto Shinichi,JPX ; Kanazawa Takaaki,JPX ; Katoh Kenji,JPX ; Iguchi Satoshi,JPX ; Kihara Tetsuro,JPX ; Tateishi Syuji,JPX ; Kasahara, Catalyst for purifying exhaust gas and method for purifying exhaust gas.
  10. Suzuki Hiromasa (Seto JPX) Yokota Koji (Nagoya JPX) Iijima Tomoko (Nagoya JPX) Suzuki Tadashi (Seto JPX) Kasahara Koichi (Ogasa-gun JPX) Tateishi Syuji (Ogasa-gun JPX), Catalyst for purifying exhaust gases and process for purifying exhaust gases.
  11. Suga Katsuo,JPX ; Sekiba Toru,JPX, Catalyst for purifying oxygen rich exhaust gas.
  12. Hoshino, Maki; Kaneko, Hiroaki, Catalyst for selectively oxidizing carbon monoxide.
  13. Katsuo Suga JP; Masanori Nakamura JP, Catalyst system for purifying oxygen rich exhaust gas.
  14. Michel Deeba ; Uwe Dahle DE; Stefan Brandt DE; John K. Hochmuth, Catalytic trap with potassium component and method of using the same.
  15. Fraenkel,Dan, Chemically and thermally stabilized alumina for Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
  16. Terada Kazuhide,JPX ; Ogawa Ken,JPX ; Narishige Takeshi,JPX ; Sugiyama Tomomi,JPX ; Satou Naohiro,JPX, Composite catalyst for purification of exhaust gas.
  17. Suzuki,Norihiko; Uedahira,Hideki; Oono,Hiroshi; Kikuchi,Shinichi; Sakanushi,Masahiro; Yamada,Ryoko; Matsuzono,Yoshiaki, Device for clarifying exhaust gas from internal combustion engine.
  18. Chigapov,Albert Nazipovich; Graham,George Wade; Gandhi,Haren Sakaral; Jen,Hung Wen, Exhaust gas catalyst and method of manufacturing same.
  19. Shigapov, Albert Nazipovich; Graham, George Wade; Gandhi, Haren Sakaral; Jen, Hung-Wen, Exhaust gas catalyst and method of manufacturing same.
  20. Komoriya, Isao; Ogawa, Ken; Ehara, Yasunori; Hayashi, Masanori, Exhaust gas purification apparatus for internal combustion engine.
  21. Nakamura, Masanori; Suga, Katsuo, Exhaust gas purifying catalyst and method for manufacturing the same.
  22. Iizuka Hidehiro,JPX ; Kuroda Osamu,JPX ; Ogawa Toshio,JPX ; Yamashita Hisao,JPX ; Azuhata Shigeru,JPX ; Kitahara Yuichi,JPX ; Atago Takeshi,JPX ; Tokuda Hiroatsu,JPX ; Ishikawa Takao,JPX ; Hanaoka Hi, Exhaust gas purifying method and catalyst used therefor.
  23. Deeba Michel ; Feeley Jennifer S. ; Farrauto Robert J., Lean NO.sub.x catalyst/trap method.
  24. Jennifer S. Feeley ; Robert J. Farrauto ; Michel Deeba, Method and apparatus for NOx abatement in lean gaseous streams.
  25. Feeley Jennifer S. ; Farrauto Robert J. ; Deeba Michel ; Lampert Jordan K., Method for using a regenerable catalyzed trap.
  26. Deeba Michel ; Feeley Jennifer S. ; Farrauto Robert J., Method of abating NO.sub.x and a catalytic material therefor.
  27. Schmieg, Steven J.; Kim, Chang H; Qi, Gongshin; Li, Wei; Brown, David B., Methods and systems for oxidizing nitric oxide in a gas stream.
  28. Stamm Masias, Kimber L.; Fanson, Paul T.; Peck, Torin C.; Roberts, Charles A., Mixed metal oxide catalyst.
  29. Peters Alan W. ; Rudesill John A. ; Weatherbee Gordon Dean ; Rakiewicz Edward F. ; Barbato-Grauso Mary Jane A., NO.sub.x reduction compositions for use in FCC processes.
  30. Peters Alan W. ; Rudesill John A. ; Weatherbee Gordon Dean ; Rakiewicz Edward F. ; Barbato-Grauso Mary Jane A. ; Zhao Xinjin, NO.sub.x reduction compositions for use in FCC processes.
  31. Alan W. Peters ; John A. Rudesill ; Gordon Dean Weatherbee ; Edward F. Rakiewicz ; Mary Jane A. Barbato-Grauso, NOx reduction compositions for use in FCC processes.
  32. Bedard, Robert L., Process for preparing high surface area triple layered perovskites.
  33. Miyoshi Naoto,JPX ; Matsumoto Shinichi,JPX ; Tanizawa Tsuneyuki,JPX ; Iguchi Satoshi,JPX ; Tanaka Toshiaki,JPX ; Takeshima Shinichi,JPX ; Kanazawa Takaaki,JPX ; Hayashi Takahiro,JPX ; Saiki Motohisa,, Process for purifying exhaust gases.
  34. Matsuo,Yuichi; Furukawa,Atsushi; Suzuki,Norihiko; Kiguchi,Kazunori, Purification catalyst for exhaust gas, production method therefor, and purification catalyst device for automobile exhaust gas.
  35. Matsuo,Yuichi; Furukawa,Atsushi; Suzuki,Norihiko; Kiguchi,Kazunori, Purification catalyst for exhaust gas, production method therefor, and purification catalyst device for automobile exhaust gas.
  36. Peters Alan W. ; Rakiewicz Edward F. ; Weatherbee Gordon Dean ; Zhao Xinjin, Reduced NO.sub.x combustion promoter for use in FCC processes.
  37. Alan W. Peters ; Edward F. Rakiewicz ; Gordon Dean Weatherbee ; Xinjin Zhao, Reduced NOx combustion promoter for use in FCC processes.

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