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[미국특허] Profiled sheet for building purposes 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E04C-002/30
  • E04C-002/32
출원번호 US-0155530 (1988-02-12)
우선권정보 SE-0000623 (1987-02-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kero Ernst (LuleSEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Plannja AB (LuleSEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 0


The invention relates to a profiled sheet for building purposes, especially roofing and facade sheet, the sheet having a normal profiling and having in addition, at least in certain sections, a corrugated microprofiling deviating from the normal profiling. The microprofiling exhibits flattened and/o


Profiled sheet for building purposes, especially roofing and facade sheet, said sheet comprising a main profiling having repetitive crest, valley and shank sections, and at least in certain sections of the sheet corrugated microprofiles superimposed on the main profiling such that the thickness of t

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Atkinson, Nathan T.; Seebald, James D.; Yowell, Jefferey E.; O'Boyle, Jeffrey M., Alternating notch configuration for spacing heat transfer sheets.
  2. Edwards, David M.; Lux, Matthew R.; Ryan, James P.; Hutter, Alexander, Bed corrugation for vehicle load-carrying bed.
  3. Weissenborn, Mark; Weykamp, Robert; Powell, David, Bumper energy absorber with foam and non-foam pieces.
  4. Weissenborn,Mark; Evans,Darin; Weykamp,Robert; Powell,David, Bumper system with energy absorber.
  5. Weissenborn,Mark; Evans,Darin; Weykamp,Robert; Powell,David, Bumper system with energy absorber.
  6. Weissenborn,Mark; Evans,Darin; Weykamp,Robert; Powell,David, Bumper system with energy absorber.
  7. Weissenborn, Mark; Evans, Darin; Weykamp, Robert; Powell, David, Bumper with integrated foam and non-foam components.
  8. Schluter, James C., Corrugated structural metal plate.
  9. Aitharaju, Venkat; Yagi, Yutaka; Konagai, Yuhei, Corrugation designs.
  10. Zurn, Benjamin J.; Matthews, Gary R.; Shero, John Brian, Glazing unit spacer technology.
  11. Seebald, James David, Heat transfer element for a rotary regenerative heat exchanger.
  12. Seebald, James David, Heat transfer element for a rotary regenerative heat exchanger.
  13. Seebald, James David, Heat transfer elements for a closed channel rotary regenerative air preheater.
  14. Birmingham, James W.; Mattison, Glenn D.; O'Boyle, Kevin J.; Seebald, James D., Heat transfer sheet for rotary regenerative heat exchanger.
  15. Owens, John N.; Voss, Mark A.; Shah, Bhavesh; Aitharaju, Venkat; Wisniewski, Chris James Tadeusz; Yagi, Yutaka; Arai, Tsukasa, Impact resistant component for a vehicle.
  16. Trpkovski, Paul, Method of making a box spacer with sidewalls.
  17. Trpkovski, Paul, Sealed unit and spacer.
  18. Trpkovski, Paul, Sealed unit and spacer.
  19. Trpkovski, Paul, Sealed unit and spacer.
  20. Zurn, Benjamin J.; Matthews, Gary R.; Shero, John Brian, Spacer for a multi-pane glazing unit.
  21. Zurn, Benjamin J.; Matthews, Gary R.; Shero, John Brian, Spacer for a multi-pane glazing unit.
  22. Trpkovski, Paul; Nieminen, Raimo T., Spacer joint structure.
  23. Rapp, Eric B.; Trpkovski, Paul; Matthews, Gary R., Stretched strips for spacer and sealed unit.
  24. Nieminen, Raimo T.; Ahnen, Richard; Terpstra, Paul; Rapp, David; Rapp, Eric B., Triple pane window spacer having a sunken intermediate pane.
  25. Heikkila, Kurt E.; Rapp, Eric B., Triple pane window spacer, window assembly and methods for manufacturing same.

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