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[미국특허] Natural feeling condom and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61F-005/44
출원번호 US-0083642 (1987-08-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Harmon James V. (Mantomedi MN)
출원인 / 주소
  • Microbionics Inc (Saint Paul MN 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 11


A condom is provided for enhancing feeling and stimulation on the part of the male by allowing the condom to move, e.g., by a sliding action on the surface of the penis during intercourse. Typically the distal end of the condom is frictionally related to the vagina by weakly bonding the condom to th


A method of providing heightened male sensation while using a condom in sexual intercourse, the sensation simulating intercourse without a condom, said condom having a sealing portion near the open end and a sliding portion near the closed end, said method comprising, providing means facilitating mo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Anderson Clifford J. (St. Paul MN) Gumbusky James T. (South St. Paul MN), Bio-medical electrode conductive gel pads.
  2. Micklus ; Michael J. ; Ou-Yang ; David T., Coated substrate having a low coefficient of friction hydrophilic coating and a method of making the same.
  3. Meadows Michael E. (37 James Rd. Hatboro PA 19040), Condom device and method for using same.
  4. Hogin Philip E. (Mooreland Rd. Greenwich CT 06830), Condom having a retention strap.
  5. Conway Anthony J. (Chatfield MN) Conway Peter R. (Chatfield MN) Conway Philip J. (Stewartville MN), Contraceptive hood.
  6. Conway Anthony J. (Chatfield MN) Conway Peter B. (Chatfield MN) Conway Philip J. (Stewartville MN), Male condom catheter having adhesive transfer on roller portion.
  7. Hymes Alan C. (Hopkins MN), Monitoring and stimulation electrode.
  8. Reddy K. Prakash (Anderson SC), Spermicidally lubricated prophylactics and method for making same.
  9. Hymes Alan C. (Hopkins MN) Ong Lincoln T. (Minnetonka MN) Persons Garry R. (Edina MN), Sterile improved bandage and sealant.
  10. Hymes Alan C. (Hopkins MN) Ong Lincoln T. (Minnetonka MN) Persons Garry R. (Edina MN), Sterile improved bandage containing a medicament.
  11. Hauser Thomas M. (Sanibel FL), Urine collection catheter.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (18) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ahmad, Nawaz; Cui, Cheng-Ji; Ison, Bryant, Complementary personal lubricant compositions.
  2. Osterberg, Brian, Condom.
  3. Osterberg, Brian, Condom.
  4. Resnic, Daniel, Condom.
  5. Attila, Mady, Condom valve.
  6. Harrison,Michael J.; Blum,Dennis; McBride,Gisela; Coulter,Stephen L.; Burke,Peter A., Condom with male genital desensitizer lubricant.
  7. Anderson Verne M., External male catheter.
  8. Osterberg, Brian J., Female condom.
  9. Ireland Jud, Loose prophylactic sack device having improved closure.
  10. Adachi Kazunobu,JPX, Massage device.
  11. Winkler John Andrew, Method and kit for adhering a prophylactic to the male glans penis.
  12. Miller Robert G. (North York CAX) Miller William C. (Windsor CAX) Tankovitz Oskar T. (North York CAX), Method for making thin walled closed ended tubular articles of thermoplastic elastomers.
  13. Runyan, Donald, Penis rigidity stabilizer and method therefor.
  14. Munn Charles S. ; Cohen Robert E., Rubber products that shrink due to the application of energy and hypo-allergenic rubbery products.
  15. Munn, Charles S.; Cohen, Robert E., Rubbery products that shrink due to the application of energy and hypo-allergic rubbery products.
  16. Smith, Richard L., Tractal erectile device.
  17. Smith, Richard L., Tractal erectile device and seal cap.
  18. Denzer Eric L., Transdermal vasodilator.

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