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[미국특허] Air-fuel ratio control for supercharged automobile engine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02D-023/02
출원번호 US-0177343 (1988-04-04)
우선권정보 JP-0082004 (1987-04-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Tanaka Hideki (Hiroshima JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Mazda Motor Corporation (Hiroshima JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 3


An air/fuel control system for a supercharged automotive engine includes a supercharger for supercharging air to be supplied to the engine, a detecting device for detecting a plurality of parameters representative of an engine operating condition, an air/fuel ratio regulating unit for adjusting the


An air/fuel control system of a supercharged automotive engine having a combustion chamber, introducing means for introducing air and fuel to said combustion chamber, and a supercharger for pressurizing charges of intake air introduced to said combustion chamber by the introducing means, said air/fu

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Oyama, Yoshishige; Fujieda, Mamoru; Yamauchi, Teruo, Air-fuel ratio control apparatus for internal combustion engines.
  2. Matsuura Masahiko (Hiroshima JPX) Kaneko Tadashi (Hiroshima JPX) Kaide Tadayoshi (Hiroshima JPX) Hotate Makoto (Hiroshima JPX), Air-fuel ratio control for an international combustion engine.
  3. Iwamoto Kenzi (Nishio JPX) Kuroyanagi Makoto (Hekinan JPX) Kawai Hisasi (Toyohashi JPX) Yoshimura Kunimasa (Susono JPX) Nohira Hidetaka (Mishima JPX) Ugajin Mitsuyuki (Susono JPX) Ohki Hisashi (Numaz, Air-fuel ratio control method and apparatus for internal combustion engines.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Buckland, Julia Helen; Tabaczynski, Rodney John; Kolmanovsky, Ilya Vladimir; Sun, Jing; Anderson, Richard Walter, Boosted direct injection stratified charge gasoline engines.
  2. Lewallen, Brian Andrew, Charged air intake system for an internal combustion engine.
  3. Fujioka, Nobuyuki, Control apparatus for internal combustion engine.
  4. Sugihira, Shigehiro; Kato, Naoto; Yoshizaki, Satoshi, Control device for internal combustion engine.
  5. Joseph C. Hamelink ; Stephen H. Hill, Crankcase bypass system with oil scavenging device.
  6. N. John Beck ; William P. Johnson ; Kresimir Gebert ; Shui-Chi Li, Cylinder pressure based optimization control for compression ignition engines.
  7. Kondo Toyoshi,JPX, Fuel supply system for automotive engines.
  8. Collier ; Jr. Robert Kirk ; Hoekstra Robert Louis ; Mulligan David Neal ; Hahn Douglas Edward, Hydrogen enriched natural gas as a motor fuel with variable air fuel ratio and fuel mixture ratio control.
  9. Albert Fahringer AT; Bernd Lutz AT; Peter Skorjanz AT, Internal combustion engine.
  10. Hansen, Craig N.; Cross, Paul C., Internal combustion engine and supercharger.
  11. Hansen, Craig N.; Cross, Paul C., Internal combustion engine and supercharger.
  12. Mulligan, D. Neal, Internal combustion engine with SCR and integrated ammonia production.
  13. Wang Lin-Shu, Low operating-temperature supercharged engines.
  14. Maddock, James B.; Mehdian, Fred; Tran, David, Method and apparatus for controlling the temperature of an engine.
  15. Wild,Ernst; Wegener,Sabine; Hild,Rainer, Method and arrangement for controlling an internal combustion engine.
  16. Bolton,Brian Kenneth; Sisken,Kevin Dean; Grosmougin,Anne Lise, Method for controlling engine air/fuel ratio.
  17. Adler, Holger; Lenz, Michael; Liebscher, Thomas; Merten, Ulrich, Method for operating a combustion engine having an exhaust-gas turbocharger.
  18. Eric Olofsson SE, Method of operating an internal-combustion engine, and internal-combustion engine.
  19. Freen Paul Douglas, Natural gas engine control system.
  20. Beck Niel Lenannes ; Gebert Kresimir ; Wong Hoi Ching, Optimized lambda and compression temperature control for compression ignition engines.
  21. Bevan, Karen Evelyn; Hughes, Douglas Anthony; Keidel, Sean; Morris, Benjamin James; Novak, Jeremy; Pryor, Martin Dale; Suhocki, Christopher; Wetzel, Philip William, Supercharger-based twin charging system for an engine.
  22. Russ, Stephen George, Turbocharged engine with naturally aspirated operating mode.

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