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[미국특허] Lightweight fused silica refractory compositions 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C04B-033/14
  • C04B-035/10
  • C04B-038/08
출원번호 US-0121951 (1987-11-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kleeb Thomas R. (Pittsburgh PA) Wishon Berhl E. (Bethel Park PA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Dresser Industries, Inc. (Dallas TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 4


A refractory composition comprising a fused silica composition comprising a silica compound and a binder and for each 100 parts by weight of said fused silica composition from about 3 to 15 parts by weight of alumina-silica based hollow microspheres.


A refractory composition consisting essentially of a fused silica composition containing about 40 to 95 weight percent vitreous silica, up to about 25 weight percent of a calcined refractory aggregate, and the balance a calcium aluminate cement; and for each 100 parts by weight of said fused silica

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Schlett Paul E. (Succasunna NJ) Peterson John R. (Randolph NJ) Caprio James A. (Pittsburgh PA) Kleeb Thomas R. (Pittsburgh PA), Abrasion resistant refractory composition.
  2. Peters Dennis D. (King of Prussia PA), Medium weight abrasion-resistant castable.
  3. Kaneko Yasuhisa (Toyota JA) Komatsu Yasuhiko (Toyota JA) Hibino Yoshihiro (Toyota JA) Okada Yasuo (Toyota JA), Method for producing heat-insulating casting.
  4. Hongo Yasuo (Tamano JPX) Tuzuki Yoshinori (Tamano JPX) Miyawaki Masao (Tamano JPX), Refractory composition.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Krowl, Thomas R., Calcium silicate insulating material containing blast furnace slag cement.
  2. Alary, Jean Andre; Sachse, Sebastian; Parias, Thomas, Electrofused proppant, method of manufacture, and method of use.
  3. Minagawa Mitsuo (Komagane JPX) Minagawa Osamu (Komagane JPX), Expanded ceramic molded plate.
  4. Biek Kenneth ; Esposito Arthur, Firing container and method of making the same.
  5. Tremblay,Sylvain P., Free flowing dry back-up insulating material.
  6. Gray Bruce Nathaniel,AUX, Hollow or cup-shaped microparticles and methods of use.
  7. Desvignes, Cecile; Rancoule, Gilbert, Insulating refractory material.
  8. Gilbert Brandy FR, Insulating refractory material.
  9. Douglas K. Doza ; John Y. Liu, Lightweight dry refractory.
  10. Dody Julie A. (Easton PA) Rumpeltin ; Jr. Charles R. (Odessa FL 4), Lightweight sprayable tundish lining composition.
  11. Alary, Jean Andre; Parias, Thomas, Method of manufacturing and using rod-shaped proppants and anti-flowback additives.
  12. Prat Urreiztieta, Jaime, Molding sand appropriate for the fabrication of cores and molds.
  13. Gray Bruce Nathaniel,AUX, Particulate material.
  14. Gray, Bruce Nathaniel, Particulate material.
  15. Menon Paulo Roberto,BRX, Sleeves, their preparation, and use.

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