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[미국특허] Traveler\\s organizer bag luggage 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A45C-003/00
  • A45C-005/14
출원번호 US-0323969 (1989-03-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lehman Michael (1133 Van Nuys St. San Diego CA 92109)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 76  인용 특허 : 8


A compartmented luggage for separating a travelers belongings and allowing convenient carrying and access. A foldout flap and a plurality of compartments are detachably mounted to an outer shell avoiding mixing of various types of clothing and use outside of cartage. The luggage also has a strap arr


Travel luggage adapted to be carried by a user which comprises: a box-like container; a first strap attached at two points at opposite edges of said container; a second strap attached at one location spaced apart from at least one of said points and having a first detachable means for fastening at t

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Brunton Ronald G. (Flat 15 ; 71 Ryde Rd. Hunters Hill AUX 2110), Backpack.
  2. Doulet Clayton J. (P.O. Box 220 Dandridge TN 37725), Body-attachable bag for transporting articles.
  3. Carp Bess (Detroit MI), Combination carry-on luggage bag with tote bag and clutch bag.
  4. Weinreb Robert (510 Broadway New York NY 10012), Convertible bag.
  5. Thomas Frank O. (5167 South 600 East Murray UT 84107), Emergency medical pack.
  6. Cohen Fred E. (2201 Banyon Dr. Los Angeles CA 90049), Expandable hand luggage with wheels and separable compartments.
  7. Baum Frank (1030 E. 30th St. Hialeah FL 33013), Multi-purpose traveling bag.
  8. Lowe, Greg E.; Jordan, Harold A., Video equipment bag.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (76) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Klindworth-Garron Heidi Marie, Accessory bag.
  2. Klindworth-Garron, Heidi Marie, Accessory bag.
  3. Cozean, Jesse; Cozean, Colette; Gonzales, Efrain; Jacob, Stanley W., Activated carbon systems for facilitating use of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by removal of same, related compounds, or associated odors.
  4. Bourgeois, Vincent, Adjustable belt for carrying bags or the like.
  5. Abraham J. Richard ; Kim Hyun S., Article of luggage having divider for opposing sections.
  6. Krulik Richard J., Article of luggage with exterior pocket for attachment to a wheeled case.
  7. Williams, Nicholas, Attachment element for a gun cleaning kit tool insert.
  8. Egart,John; Myers,Gregory D., Backpack.
  9. Golling Guido,DEX ; Gottmeier Mario,DEX ; Lagger Manuela,DEX, Backpack.
  10. Baclawski, Bonnie, Backpack and frontpack with releasable shoulder and waist straps.
  11. Rome, Lawrence Craig; Hofmann, Heath Fred; Wang, Guanghui, Backpack based system for human electricity generation and use when off the electric grid.
  12. Fier,Alyx T., Backpack with retractable shoulder straps.
  13. Wulf Katherine ; Beer Julie, Combined day pack/travel pack.
  14. Chisholm Claudia, Compartmented suitcase.
  15. De La Torre, Jack, Compositions comprising dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
  16. Gracer, Zoran; Godshaw, Donald E., Computer protection and carrying case.
  17. Mogil, Melvin S., Container with expandable portion.
  18. Mogil, Melvin S., Container with expandable portion.
  19. Wadden Michael M., Convertible bag.
  20. Bergquist, Bart Brian, Convertible carrying case.
  21. Bergquist, Bart Brian, Convertible carrying case.
  22. Bergquist, Bart Brian, Convertible carrying case.
  23. Drew, Jason V.; Zivanovic, Slobodan S., Convertible security wallet.
  24. Godart, Fred Thomas, Device for carrying eyewear.
  25. Cozean, Colette; Claussen, Harvey L., Devices for removal of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or related compounds or associated odors and methods of using same.
  26. Cozean, Colette; Cozean, Jesse; Benjamin, Rodney; Keller, Anthony, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) formulations to treat osteoarthritis.
  27. Cozean, Colette; Benjamin, Rodney; Keller, Anthony; Varelman, Jeff, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or DMSO and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) formulations to treat infectious diseases.
  28. Barber, Douglas G. C., Dual access-point system for holding an item.
  29. Miller Jacqueline N., Expandable computer tote.
  30. Marks,Doreen, Firearm cleaning kit case.
  31. Kaplinsky Leonid, Fishing case.
  32. Kramer, Joel, Game assembly employing spring loaded fabric hinge.
  33. Simmons, Dove, Garment bag backpack.
  34. Taylor-Phillips, LaQuita, Garment holder and hamper traveler.
  35. Herron, Heather L.; Wear, Jeffrey W., Golf bag or other shoulder-borne device having double strap to single strap convertibility.
  36. Wear, Jeffrey W.; Herron, Heather L., Golf bag or other shoulder-borne device having double strap to single strap convertibility.
  37. Citro, Donna, Hair bow carrying case.
  38. Citro, Donna, Hair bow carrying case.
  39. Halko, Lisa, Home care nursing bag.
  40. Bongiorno, James, Hygienic products organizer case/display stand for use with a suitcase.
  41. Hanson,Ann, Insulated tote for beverage box.
  42. Van Himbeeck Clemens (Maarkedal BEX), Integrated flight bag and garment bag laggage case.
  43. Dolan, Vincent J., Locker pack.
  44. Kao, David; Christen, Richard P., Luggage bag with organizer.
  45. Kao, David; Christen, Richard P., Luggage bag with removable organizer.
  46. Kao, David; Christen, Richard P., Luggage bag with removable organizer.
  47. Barry Wayne Hoberman, Luggage with adjustable packing board.
  48. Macgillivray Sally-Ann (Beeton CAX) Mann Marten Charles (Stratford CAX) Mann Dianne Betty (Stratford CAX) Culliton Michael Gerard (Stratford CAX), Luggage with passageway for receiving a supporting handle.
  49. Claussen, Harvey L.; Cozean, Colette; De La Torre, Jack, Materials for facilitating administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and related compounds.
  50. Claussen, Harvey L.; Cozean, Colette; De La Torre, Jack, Materials for facilitating administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and related compounds.
  51. Cozean, Jesse; Cozean, Colette; Gonzales, Efrain; Jacob, Stanley W., Methods for facilitating use of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by removal of same, related compounds, or associated odors.
  52. Wei Chih Chen TW, Movable buckle device for luggage.
  53. Distefano Sylvia Ruth ; Distefano Dominic, Organizer handbag.
  54. Mori, Tyrus, Orthopedic shoulder bag set.
  55. Christopher Gary (La Jolla CA) Goheen Christina (San Diego CA) Mays ; III Whitefoord S. (San Diego CA) McDonald Michael J. (San Diego CA), Pack with carrying straps.
  56. Marui, Shinji, Portable bag with adjustable inner container.
  57. Roegner, DeAnna, Portable removable carrying case organizer.
  58. McIntyre, Lynne, Reconfigurable travel trunk.
  59. Wang Yuan Liang,TWX ; Lung Chi Chen,TWX, Retractable luggage with an extendable handle.
  60. Fahl Scott R. ; Vande Zande Christopher C., Retractable shoulder strap backpack.
  61. Rekuc, Richard J.; Rekuc, Steven J.; Ringel, David Edward, Retractor cord assemblies for carried articles.
  62. Barker,Deborah; Barker,Bradd, Rolling luggage with expandable compartment.
  63. Woods Andrew L,IEX, Rucksack.
  64. Fujikura, Kazumi, Sling bag with strap fastening arrangement.
  65. Smith David A. ; LaVerde Bruce T. ; Lee Duane E. ; Pest Alex H. ; Spickard Roger M. ; Tagg J. Malcolm, Soft stowage system.
  66. Simmons, Dove, Soft-sided garment bag backpack.
  67. Bongiorno, James, Suitcase with hygienic products organizer.
  68. Evans, Kirk Boyd; Evans, Wayne Kirk, Support systems for portable containers.
  69. Cozean, Colette, Systems for removing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or related compounds, or odors associated with same.
  70. Cozean, Colette, Systems for removing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or related compounds, or odors associated with same.
  71. Bongiorno, James, Toiletry organizer case/display stand for use with a suitcase.
  72. Mathews, Jr., William J., Tool container assembly.
  73. Verneuille, Robert Emile, Travel preparedness system.
  74. Woolley, Stephanie Janine, Two way convertible shoulder strap construction.
  75. Valdez, Homero, Ventilated sport bag with detachable waterproof cover.
  76. Wyant Jon Richard, Zipper expansion gusset for a backpack.

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