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[미국특허] Method and apparatus for thermodynamic cycle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01K-025/06
출원번호 US-0295787 (1989-01-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kalina Alexander I. (105 Glen Garry Way Hillsborough CA 94010)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 32  인용 특허 : 2


A method and apparatus for implementing a thermodynamic cycle, which includes the use of a composite stream, having a higher content of a high-boiling component than a working stream, to provide heat needed to partially evaporate the working stream. After being partially evaporated, the working stre


A method for implementing a thermodynamic cycle comprising the steps of: expanding a gaseous working stream to transform its energy into usable form; removing from the expanded gaseous working stream a withdrawal stream; combining the withdrawal stream with a lean stream, having a higher content of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kalina Alexander I. (12214 Clear Fork Houston TX 77077), Direct fired power cycle.
  2. Kalina, Alexander I., Method of generating energy.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (32) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Pierson, Tom L.; Penton, John David, Advanced heat recovery and energy conversion systems for power generation and pollution emissions reduction, and methods of using same.
  2. Pierson, Tom L.; Penton, John David, Advanced power recovery and energy conversion systems and methods of using same.
  3. Kalina Alexander I. ; Rhodes Lawrence B., Converting heat into useful energy using separate closed loops.
  4. Travaly, Andrew; Marmillo, Jonathan, Desuperheater for a steam turbine generator.
  5. Kalina, Alexander I., Dual pressure geothermal system.
  6. Kalina, Alexander I., Dual pressure geothermal system.
  7. Kalina, Alexander I., Geothermal system.
  8. Kalina, Alexander I., Heat conversion system simultaneously utilizing two separate heat source stream and method for making and using same.
  9. Deacon, Walter T.; Parbs, Timothy James, Heat exchange system and method.
  10. Deacon, Walter T.; Parbs, Timothy James, Heat exchange system and method.
  11. Lach, Raymond, Heat exchange system and method.
  12. Parbs, Timothy J.; Deacon, Water T., Heat exchange system and method.
  13. Kalina, Alexander I., Low temperature geothermal system.
  14. Mirolli, Mark D.; Rhodes, Lawrence; Lerner, Yakov; Pelletier, Richard I., Method and apparatus for acquiring heat from multiple heat sources.
  15. Mirolli,Mark D.; Rhodes,Lawrence; Lerner,Yakov; Pelletier,Richard I., Method and apparatus for acquiring heat from multiple heat sources.
  16. Kalina Alexander I. (105 Glen Garry Way Hillsborough CA 94010), Method and apparatus for converting low temperature heat to electric power.
  17. Kalina Alexander I. (Hillsborough CA) Pelletier Richard I. (San Leandro CA), Method and apparatus for implementing a thermodynamic cycle.
  18. Kalina, Alexander I., Method and apparatus for the utilization of waste heat from gaseous heat sources carrying substantial quantities of dust.
  19. Kalina Alexander I. ; Pelletier Richard I. ; Rhodes Lawrence B., Method and apparatus of converting heat to useful energy.
  20. Nayar, Ramesh C., Method and system for a thermodynamic process for producing usable energy.
  21. Kalina, Alexander I., Method and system for converting waste heat from cement plant into a usable form of energy.
  22. Kalina Alexander I., Method and system of converting thermal energy into a useful form.
  23. Vakil Himanshu Bachubhai ; Dean Anthony John ; Ranasinghe Jatila, Modified bottoming cycle for cooling inlet air to a gas turbine combined cycle plant.
  24. Kalina, Alexander I., Power cycle and system for utilizing moderate and low temperature heat sources.
  25. Kalina, Alexander I., Power cycle and system for utilizing moderate and low temperature heat sources.
  26. Kalina, Alexander I., Power cycle and system for utilizing moderate and low temperature heat sources.
  27. Pierson,Tom L.; Penton,John David, Power recovery and energy conversion systems and methods of using same.
  28. Kalina, Alexander I., Power systems utilizing two or more heat source streams and methods for making and using same.
  29. Kalina,Alexander I., Process and apparatus for boiling and vaporizing multi-component fluids.
  30. Kalina,Alexander I., Process and system for the condensation of multi-component working fluids.
  31. Kalina, Alexander I., Systems and methods for low temperature heat sources with relatively high temperature cooling media.
  32. Kalina, Alexander I., Systems, methods and apparatuses for converting thermal energy into mechanical and electrical power.

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