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[미국특허] No spill high chair tray/bowl 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47B-085/00
출원번호 US-0311033 (1989-02-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Taylor Therese A. (4601 N. 102nd Ave.
  • No. 1049 Phoenix AZ 85039) Spector George (New York NY)
출원인 / 주소
  • Taylor
  • Therese A. (Phoenix AZ 14a part interest)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 2


An improved feeding tray for a high chair is provided with a bowl attached thereto which prevents the bowl from spilling and slipping off the tray during meal time. The bowl is adapted to be quickly detached from the tray so that it can be properly cleaned after meal time.


An improved feeding tray for a high chair of the type having a supporting frame and a seating structure supported by the frame said tray comprising: (a) a tray structure mounted on the frame in convenient relation to the seating structure for use by a child thereof; (b) a bowl adapted to receive foo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Meslin, Jacques P.; Meslin, Laurence C., Portable chair and improved tray with locking container.
  2. Sadler Clyde John (207 Lansing Lynchburg VA 24503), Three in one car cup and holder.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22)

  1. Parks, Cindy, Anchored outdoor pet dish.
  2. Bizzell,Daniel Lee, Bowl.
  3. Carruth Adrain E. (P.O. Box 33 Mt. Vernon IL 62864), Car seat with tray for use by children.
  4. Russell Larry L., Children's high chair tray.
  5. Dahlquist, Kevin James; Bizzell, Daniel Lee; Kovacevich, Ian D., Container having surrounding handle and gimbal.
  6. Malcolm, Carter T.; Malcolm, Jacqueline K., Dish assembly for displaying an image.
  7. McGrew,Alan R.; McGrew,Adela R., Eating surface with interchangeable accessories.
  8. Huckert, Brent K., Educational dish assembly.
  9. Huckert, Brent K., Educational food dish system.
  10. Giabanis, Alexander P., Fastenable food dish.
  11. Heck,Jodi L.; Heck, III,Joseph A., High chair tray adapted to receive receptacles.
  12. Chapman Marian D., Multi-purpose high chair tray construction.
  13. Dalhamer,Coni, Pegboard tray for retaining food items during transportation.
  14. Palmer, Robert Dinsmore, Pet bowl.
  15. Kudlac Barbara L. (Apt. 14A ; 3298 S. Lakewood Tulsa OK 74135), Platform having a notch and plug member therefor.
  16. Rich,Jason H., Secure dish holder.
  17. Burns, James Arthur, Spill proof platter apparatus.
  18. Shepard, Bradley K., Spill-proof container.
  19. Shepard,Bradley K., Spill-proof container.
  20. Mills, Jesse Russell, Suction plate or bowl holder.
  21. Devault, Diane M.; Wagner, Steven E., Toddler food tray assembly.
  22. Dalhamer, Coni, Tray for retaining food items during transportation.
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