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[미국특허] Abrasion resistant, high strength composite padded fabric material 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B32B-007/00
출원번호 US-0306690 (1989-02-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Seber Brett P. (Laguna Niguel CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • McGuire-Nicholas Company, Inc. (City of Commerce CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 2


An abrasion and tear resistant, high strength composite laminated padded fabric material for use in the fabrication of tradesmen and craftsmen work items such as aprons and nail bags, tool pouches and tool holders, cordless tool holsters, belts and back support pads, knee pads and the like. The comp


An abrasion and tear resistant, high strength composite laminated padded fabric material for use in the fabrication of tradesmen and craftsmen work items and apparel comprised of: (a) first and second outer primary layers of tight-woven threads of high-tenacity nylon fibers; and (b) an intermediate

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ziliotto Alberto (Cadoneghe ITX), Insulated cloth for industrial and civil covering applications.
  2. Klaff Harry J. (Owings Mills MD), Weather proof insulating textile fabric composite.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Romanski,Eric; Toney,Crayton Gregory; O'Connor,Joseph G.; Paquin,Maurice R., Coating for a flexible fluid containment vessel and a method of making the same.
  2. Tabor, Dale E.; Grady, Brian E., Collapsable ripcord grip.
  3. Gerdes, Samantha Larue, Concealed carry purse.
  4. Davis,Trent W.; Toney,Mary M., End portion for a flexible fluid containment vessel and a method of making the same.
  5. Eagles, Dana; Jordan, Roland E.; Barish, Jonathan S.; Farrell, John J.; Kornett, Glenn; Thornley, Stoney, End portions for a flexible fluid containment vessel and a method of making the same.
  6. Davenport, Francis L., Fabric structure for a flexible fluid containment vessel.
  7. Gil George, Filter and method and apparatus for manufacture thereof.
  8. Eagles, Dana; Toney, Crayton Gregory; Tupil, Srinath; Lawton, Donald Tripp; Donovan, James G.; Dutt, William; Romanski, Eric; Rydin, Bjorn; Rexfelt, Jan, Flexible fluid containment vessel.
  9. Tupil, Srinath, Flexible fluid containment vessel featuring a keel-like seam.
  10. Apgar, Jeffrey Allen; Govindhasamy, Karthikeyan; Chang, Shan Feng; Hwang, John, Flexible hinge for electronic devices.
  11. Braun, David, Garment ventilation system.
  12. Gil George, Multilayer filter.
  13. Hall,Michael R., Multilayer moisture management fabric.
  14. Kallabis, Gabriel, Protective device.
  15. Eagles, Dana, Segment formed flexible fluid containment vessel.
  16. Eagles,Dana, Segment formed flexible fluid containment vessel.
  17. Jarrard, Brian M.; Barkley, Jr., John A.; Bell, William R.; Nix, Anthony E.; Fishel, David L., Soft cover for vehicles and process for making.
  18. Eagles, Dana; Rydin, Bjorn; Rexfelt, Jan; Toney, Crayton Gregory; Tupil, Srinath; Lawton, Donald Tripp, Spiral formed flexible fluid containment vessel.
  19. Weder, James, Surface treating device.

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