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[미국특허] Bag holder 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65B-067/12
출원번호 US-0360796 (1989-06-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Frey Wilfred (9655 Alcott Road
  • SE. Calgary
  • Alberta CAX T2J 0T7)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 7


A bag holder for holding the mouth of a bag open comprises a member defining an opening adapted to be received in the mouth of a bag and a flexible, resilient, elongate loop adapted for location around the exterior of the bag and the member to retain the bag on the member and hold the mouth of the b


A bag holder for holding the mouth of a bag open comprising: a member defining a bow-shaped opening and adapted to be received in the mouth of a bag, the member including a substantially straight first portion and a separate, curved second portion, the free ends of the second portion being provided

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Paulus ; Jr. Lawrence Frederick (Pleasantville NY), Bag distending and supporting apparatus.
  2. Corsaut ; III Otho O. (2018 Cass Blvd. Berkley MI 48072) Timmons Donald (30257 Longfellow Heights Madison Heights MI 48071), Bag holder.
  3. de Salazar Gerardo P. (Bosque de las Catarinas No. 28 Bosques de la Herradura MXX), Bag holder.
  4. Greenhouse Margaux A. (Toronto CAX), Refuse bag holder.
  5. Taylor Blair T. (30552 Mirandel La. Laguna Niguel CA 92677), Refuse bag holder.
  6. Nelson Dean O. (1775 Hacienda Ave. Campbell CA 95008) Nelson Richard W. (1496 Hervey Lane San Jose CA 95125), Trash bag holder.
  7. Flynn James P. (309 W. Squire ; Apartment 3 Rochester NY 14623), Trash bagging kit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Roscow, Robert F., Adjustable liner retainer for containers.
  2. Kerekes, Jr., John L., Bag holder.
  3. Francis A. Barriere, Bag mouth holder for bottle and can bagger and method.
  4. Davis Jodi, Collapsible bag holder apparatus.
  5. Jarman Murray, Container liner restraint.
  6. Vaughn, Teresa Gail; Corbitt, Jr., John D.; Anthony, Lori, Garbage bag retention ring.
  7. Tom Horan, Lawn bag holder.
  8. Romero, Melanie J. N., Method and apparatus for collecting yard debris.
  9. Romero,Melanie J. N., Method and apparatus for collecting yard debris.
  10. Peterson, Carl S., Portable bag holder employing elastic band.
  11. Zima, Tracy J, Portable foldable multi-purpose flexible bag holder.
  12. Valdez Victor G., Snap-ring stiffener apparatus having a scoop-like edge and method for stiffening bag openings and other flexible fabric.
  13. Corbitt, Lee Wayne, System and method for securing a liner within a container.

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